Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Diffusion And Body Temperature

A new brand of Bulgarian wine for the big retail U.S.

I already mentioned the topic wine and Eastern Europe in recent weeks, in a post on Assoenologi statements on enlargement in 25 of 'EU. Today I read on the same site, Winebusiness , two different reports that speak to their east, and particularly in Bulgaria.
In a wine market as the U.S., with consumption growing, with Australia and Italy topped the imports, from published data on AC Nielsen revealed that among the few countries to reduce their market share in its imports Eastern European countries, along with Chile, but nobody throws a sigh of relief - if there really is then to be raised. At the same time, it is now the news that the California company Bulgarian Master Vintners created the first brand of Bulgarian wines to the big retail chains. This import company specializing in California wines Bulgarians decided to leverage its decades of experience in the U.S. market. The result is a brand, "WINE" from the name disturbing. It will be true that we are talking about the U.S. market and not Italian, so the rule applies to "you can not deposit the brand name" water ", but I fear that this brand or you will lose the intricacies of Google, or you can no longer do a general search without encountering these "wines".
However, the brand, created by the President of the Bulgarian Master Vintners, Vance Petrunoff, is designed to hit the target of U.S. wine connoisseur, but without risk of frightening the novice and the shelves with a suggested retail price of $ 7, 99. To obtain this product, and the winemaker Miro Petrunoff Tcholakov went to Bulgaria where they bought the wine, have them cut and bottled at the Boyar Estates, a modern company in Thrace, Bulgaria's southern zone where they are bred primarily Cabernet and Merlot.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hydrogen Peroixide In Dog Penis

7 things to know about Chinese consumers

A study carried out by JWT's Tom Doctoroff, entitled "Twelve Facts about the Confucian Consumer" and published in Mediapost. Note that in 2006 released a book written on this subject by the same Doctoroff with interesting news for U.S. companies (and perhaps Italian!) Who want to invest in China (published by Palgrave Macmillan).

1. The Chinese, unlike Americans, do not put pineapple and sausage on the pizza. All foods are divided into warm and refreshing, and these feelings must be balanced at all times, so the pizza (hot) is joined Pineapple (refreshing). - Problems for the matching food and wine?
2. In China, "fresh" means "alive." Heritage of Taoism, the Chinese are deeply opposed to manmade preservatives - for the Chinese then, the real wine is made in the vineyard, not the basement! But we have not already heard this one? ;-)
3. In members Confucian age, according to Doctoroff, the status members ale is an investment, so consumers outside the home link at the premium price (foreign) and exclusivity. At home, the price sensitivity increases dramatically. - Chinese wine at home and Italian wines, French or Californian restaurant?
4. The Chinese organized-ever dinner party (dinner with a group of friends). The house is a place of refuge and escape. Convenience and comfort are the key concepts. No need then to make deals on cases of wine!
5. More than 80 percent of Shanghai couples get married with an engagement ring, compared with none just a couple of years ago. In a changing world, men must prove their love by deeds. - A bottle of wine is forever - De Vins.
6. A woman of power decorates his cell phone from $ 1000 with stickers of Hello Kitty. Must demonstrate that it is fresh out, but more like Thatcher in - ok then to brands wine as "Flower Label" by Georges Duboeuf, just inside there is a very structured wine with 16%.
7. In China, female beauty is a tool of empowerment for women. Plastic surgery becomes important to find a job, not a man. - Ok so the wine therapy, not in remote areas of ultra relaxation, but in the beauty salon in the office!

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Good Spanish Dance Songs

USA and wine: Italy beats France

Coldiretti The data announced yesterday still very positive on the performance of Italian wine in the United States with respect to France. The results, obtained from data collected by the Italian Wine and Food Institute for the first 10 months of 2005 confirm the positive performance that has made headlines over the past year. "For every bottle of French wine sold in the U.S. American consumers have purchased nearly three of wine made in Italy" said the Coldiretti, an increase in the value of imports in 2005 amounted to 15.7%.

Source Adnkronos

Pictures Ivonne Stepanow

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Blanket Static Electricity Micro Fiber

Nonsense China, we aim to Norway!

Obviously this is a provocation, as the numbers speak for themselves and the Chinese population is known to be greater than that Norwegian - and it takes a little anyway. However, I found an interesting news of the growing popularity of wine for Norwegian consumers, especially given the particular characteristics of the Norwegian market compared to other European markets.

The economic
First, it is important to remember that Norway is not part of the European Union, after two referendums (1972-1994) of negative results. Despite this, there are special arrangements in dell'Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) between the EU, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein that make it easier to do business. The economic framework
in Norway, it seems very positive, with income per capita of € 35 000 per year, good growth prospects, and accounts that are the envy of the state thanks largely to oil exports.

The monopoly of the market
The real peculiarity of the Norwegian market for alcoholic beverages, is introducing a state monopoly for the management of the wine market, Vinmonopolet . Eliminate private profits from the wine trade, according to the Norwegian government has contributed to better control alcohol consumption (always a national problem). Vinmonopolet concentrates on distribution through an extensive chain of stores where clerks also take care of the social of alcohol consumption, referring, for example, use of alcohol among young people. It is no coincidence Vinmonopolet if you define a modern supply chain with a strong social responsibility. Vinmonopolet then emerges from the site of the development of this chain of stores has been in their "imposed" from France, across the country to ensure a stable and continuous distribution of their wines. In all honesty I can not understand how a foreign country may have no sovereignty over a monopoly ... but perhaps those who complain that certain EU policies should be decided only by France and Germany should think of those poor people in Norway that even outside the EU.

The Norwegian consumer and wine
Vinmonopolet few days ago, however, announced estimates sales amounted to 53.5 million liters of wine per year, an increase of 22% 2000. These figures reflect not only the monopoly and private imports. This, according to Jens Nordahl of Vinmonopolet, is caused by an improvement in the quality of life in Norway and an increase in the number of stores that sell wine. Not only that, the Norwegians are passionate about wine culture during their travels, especially in the Mediterranean. And in the wake of this new passion is developing a new pro-Mediterranean restaurant and as we know, the development the restaurant is the first flying of the export of wine abroad. Photo by Tomasz


Monday, January 2, 2006

Action Replay For Hd Loader 2010

Spanish wines in the United States, the counterattack

After the recent growth of exports of Italian wines in the United States, the English to fight back through the English equivalent U.S. offices of ICE The Icex.

Wines of Spain is the brand that has developed the Icex to promote English wines abroad. From offices in New York, has started a new campaign entrusted to Cornerstone Communications, an agency specializing in the Big Apple in public relations and communications for government agencies and institutions. The campaign, which focuses primarily sull'AlbariƱo produced in the Rias Baixas in Galicia is divided into activities aimed at distribution and consumers in the age group 25-45 years. The rest of the United States account for 45% of exports of the Rias Baixas.

At the base of the campaign, entitled Exceptional with everything, or nothing is intended to increase knowledge dell'AlbariƱo through a series of tastings, to demonstrate the versatility of this wine in the matching with food, while encouraging its use as an aperitif. Exceptional with everything, or nothing complements other activities already Established promotion of English wines, as The Great Match: Wine & Tapas 2005 , a tasting tour of 200 English wines to match with internationally inspired tapas in 6 major U.S. cities, or even Celebrate English Wines.

Through the site WinesfromSpain is possible for the U.S. consumer, order a free guide to English wines called "Far from Ordinary Wine Guide 2005-06".