Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Much Daylight Is Gained Each Day Minnesota

something Ghazi and nonviolence a

Reasoning One moment, after the massacres of the past December 2008, anyone really thought that a humanitarian act and nonviolence as the departure of the fleet that tried to bring humanitarian aid to Ghazi, would have embarrassed the Zionist leadership?

plus Committed in a confrontation on the front for her most important one with Obama, who has tried, so far clearly unsuccessfully, to impose its own reasons to the band Nethanyau (worthy heir of the Stern Gang, a terrorist organization that owes its birth the state of Israel).

The Israeli attack was a random bloody, bloody deliberately, given the number of killed and seriously injured, to see to what extent the 'current U.S. leadership is willing to get in' support for Israel. Anyway, to establish a de facto negotiation.

Or "I want to see what happens in the U.S. if Obama, or his, dare to Zionist denounced the action, I want to see what happens between American Jews and nell'oponione American public."

So whatever he does in Israel, including legally pirate attacks against armed men, as some iron bar, the U.S. is not the sconfessaranno ever. This, of course, the attempt to Nethanyau.

How have won and what lost him to tell the weeks and months ahead.

certainly can not think that the U.S. make an abrupt about-face from 'day to the next.

If there are changes of any significance, and it is not said that there will, in pro-Israeli policy, coming next week to tell us.

On the other hand it should be noted that when you go down on the ground of non-violence, the Palestinian leadership, show all their political and cultural unpreparedness, an inadequacy caveman-style.

So every action of nonviolent pacifism international propalestinese would say suffered, endured, looked with an air of barely concealed enough, "this now goes to the convent, but if, tomorrow, etc.. etc. ".

's more than understandable that ordinary people in the violence nazisionista, the operations in style as well as that, terrible (and I believe this is not exaggerated the definition of nazisionista) performed in the minutiae of every day to annihilate human dignity of the Palestinians, as individuals and as a people, can not raise at the same time that rebellion and resignation iperviolenta frustrated, but very much harder to understand is that the ruling groups, a variety of accents, according to the ideologies advocated and conveniences party particular, do not know on the road to a review TOTAL their inspirations with the decision and take the path of non-violent struggle and mass.

Poor Gandhi if he had struggled through an isolated act of disobedience campaigns, and not weeks and months, after accumulating forces and developed the tactics most appropriate and varied, not only and not so much to testify, but TO WIN.

What if after six ships attacked and captured in international waters will start other three, then four more?

Declaring urbi et orbi that hard-nosed pirates who tolerate the attacks of the Zionist navy has not the slightest moral legitimacy to fight pirate attacks in the Red Sea?

What reactions have you in Turkey and other Islamic countries in the Mediterranean?

But can you imagine the turmoil between the people who would see their armed forces to repress non-violent Muslim activists and non-Muslims to defend the "right" (???) Israel's trampling of human rights anywhere convenient to do their rulers?
And in the armed forces??

And mind you not for a fourth or fifth holy war to throw overboard every jew, but to break the infamous siege of Ghazi.

Nothing is taken for granted, really, but certainly such an attempt, which could only come from deep-rooted cultural and political thoughts in the Palestinian leadership, it is worth to be designed and made.

Moreover this would breath and strength to the voices of Jewish Israeli peace that, although a tiny minority in these moments, however, exists, and is the only viable interlocutor for a future of peace and true democracy in Palestine.

that Hamas, a political movement with a religious fundamentalist and antiprogressista, may reject (or maybe one day accept for convenience only tactic) noviolento every speech is almost normal.

Although the path of armed struggle appears to be impractical, as the path to victory, given the huge disparities, immeasurably, the forces in the field, as good fundamentalist believers are waiting for the miracle.

But this compulsion to groped (Above all in vain) to be mirrored in the Zionist violence permeates the secular leadership so that this is amazing.
Their denial is based on corruption and resignation.

accept (suffer) because the negotiations without the gun and hope that, however, come a bit 'of dollars to maintain their privileges.

L 'nonviolent approach would serve to displace both of these leadership unable to stop warmongering Zionist hegemony over Palestine.

help develop democratic potential of the mass, while embryonic-exist on both sides of the barricade-giving trust between those who are willing to talk, to negotiate, to gain their attention and respect by the Jewish and Arab masses.

Mutual trust is a next step, for now utopically away, but not impossible. Why
contrary to the proclaimed Hamas can and should negotiate.

But negotiating with a genuine fight on his feet, otherwise the word "negotiation" is an understatement to say nothing of plaintive begging.

It 'obvious that you can think of to apply a comprehensive "law of return" for all Palestinians expelled and their descendants, but compensated fairly enough and those languishing in refugee camps for generations, recognizing the words with dollars and their historical responsibilities, political and moral catastrophe in the founding, Israel has sunk millions of Palestinian lives, THIS CAN AND MUST '.

E 'is also obvious that if you do not produce anything good kick from the lands where they were born a few generations and rooted by a number of Israeli citizens, making them refugees wandering thirsty for revenge, but a lot of Jews in Israel has failed, leaving their own country, where no one persecuted, following a ' pioneering ideology and religious fundamentalist, will go away and come back to where started to allow a decent life and decent people to whom he savagely ripped by force and brutality in the land where she was born.
This is very important that you get up as fast as you can, even by fellow teammates and 'Western Europe, the cry ISRAEL BOYCOTT, boycott everything that is aligned with the Israeli and Zionist policy.

denounce Israeli crimes, and especially the racist criminal who presided over the founding of Israel itself, a land without people for a people without LAND .

The Palestinian Arabs were hardly human beings (certainly by survivors of Auschiwitz which generously) but did not form a nation.

They lived in a land of which they were not the people, their roots were not true roots. What was then, tell him to, without resorting to racist crap.

It is no coincidence that the U.S., the nation's colonial and racist extermination par excellence, has such deep sympathy for Israel.

But just this root race and racism is the vice of origin, which prevents anyone has serenity and good sense to equate the violence of the Arabs and those of Israeli Jews. This
to restore the historical truth and moral. On the other hand they may be only a point of departure, not arrival.

's initiative to make political history can not remain captive.
But why must this happen that the Palestinian people should not be left alone, even when you do not share, in part or in full, addresses and inspiration of its leaders. Only through dialogue can be opened and the contamination from the space and perhaps feel the need to make some revisions.

From First recognition of the Israeli people's right to compensation and other relief. The conditions of peace there may be. On the Palestinian side for the moment there is no Mandela, from the Israeli refuznik there are too few.


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