Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Honey X Honey Drops Manga Raws Online

.... ....... SHIT THAT BEAUTY !!!!!

I assume that many of you
Ratnesh Sharma, Tom Christian, Martin Arlitt, Cullen Bash, Chandrakant Patel
showing complete strangers.

are a team of researchers at HP Labs in Palo Alto, California.

HP for the uninitiated is one of the world leaders at IBM, in the production of not only PCs, PDAs, printers, etc.. but also of the "machines" that do go on the big computing centers, those of banks, large and very large businesses, from automotive to aerospace to those that produce electricity.

At first glance, the five gentlemen who have not found out who knows what new, type-rematerialization dematerialized, or repellers gravity, that makes us fly without wings nor nor jet.

They just designed, made feasible, demonstrated the economic viability and environmental sustainability of a data processing center connected to a large herd of dairy cows (we are talking 10,000 items anyway).
from this URL (http://www.hpl.hp.com/news/2010/apr-jun/HP_ASME_PAPER.pdf) you can download DESIGN OF FARM WASTE-DRIVEN SUPPLY SIDE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DATA CENTERS, which is the license plate and not at all senzazionalistico which I translated as wholesale DRAFT OF A STRUCTURE TO SIDE WITH FOOD WASTE a data processing center.

In short this document is the presentation of a project, derived from research conducted by these scientists on how to produce electricity from generators powered by methane extracted from manure every day that cows give ... ..

We have shown that more than protect us from shit we can defend us and the environment in which we live, with the shit ... now also remains to be studied and understood, and it would be of interest we Italians do it , well and quickly, because the human can also be used to light the way for future generations.

The reasons why our country should be interested in this shit I seem to feel exempt from the list and many, both for the number that the evidence for solar.

PS: I will not dwell even in
considerations acid on many current members of the ruling class, if ever five researchers from Hewlett Packard, we are an encouragement and an incitement 'claim " For the good of Italy, to save strength and energy, to shit mandiamoli
tuttto many. "


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