Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Is Rick Jenerette

no gag, ONLY JELLY, collar and leash

Old Ladys With Girdles

the gag journalists and 'completely unnecessary

The degree of "slinguazzamento" reasons (so to say ... of course) and buttocks employers in the press free (licking) drags us unwillingly
years ago not a carefree youth, a desire to outdated slogan but not forgotten
collar and leash is not true that the workers do not count for anything, workers' power is there, and you can see, the stronger than ever.
incazzatura think that the "third" trouble (that 36% of workers) who answered NO to the proposals of extortion FIAT had the strength to agree even to the Republic and the Journal, the third anthophilous comfortable, Corriere d . Sera.
Of course this also made it clear to everyone that, despite their virtuosity and deformation information, journalists from TV and newspapers one thing are still able to do it. In 1600 and persuade
passes FIAT workers that dignity is a word out of fashion, something that "If Magna nun and nun serves to 'n fucking' .
And one must add that journalists in their work of this finding has not been limited to writing and speaking.
have done more, much more.
They gave the practical example of as the defense of their own and others' dignity is not at all necessary to live peacefully.

Rikers Island January Schedule

Is Dansko Shoes For Flat Feet


Nobody was happy with two coats of this night of June 23, 2010.
Neither anti-working class or the secretaries of the three militants of the factory and the same SLAI Cobas FIOM had reason to rejoice.
had gone for a while 'the two last night (June 23), now there were only two to scrutinize the polls and the trend was clear and irreversible, we left. They were young workers under 40, and SLAI FIOM-Cobas, who so far have stood up patiently to questions, often silly, journalists and TV card (very unhygienic). Some of them was there ' by 5, from 6 am 22.
The working class of Pomigliano held. It was not, and could not be a victory. But even a Caporetto. One worker in three, and let us say, a little more NO extortion paracamorrista said Marchionne. The watchword on which stood the WORKER was not submission DIGNITY '.
What happened to the gates of the 'No entry In the second day of June 22, color, pain, anger, maybe you can find it on YouTube.
In short I will tell you what has not happened, not what we saw.
not we saw the crews nor any of Report Year Zero, has not seen a shred of Santoro, Gabanelli of Iacona, Ruotolo. There were no Guzzanti, nor Beppe Grillo, Di Pietro was not there, there were various Zanotelli fathers, there was Gianni Vattimo, there was there was not even Rodotà Saviano.
A mix of opportunism and stand by mental froze the synapses of the left intelligentsia.
No Entry "noble" of democratic progress and joined the Resistance to the deaf and obstinate of more than a thousand workers who chanted the word, now apparently subversive DIGNITY '.
I do not know who they voted for these workers and these workers in the elections.
Today we all know, however, that when he was ordered to sell out body and soul to master replied NO.
We can and we must speak of terrorism FIAT comes to the attempt to question the right to strike, a right guaranteed by the Constitution and therefore not available.
That there are rights to which it is given the opportunity to waive this in a strong way to protect the weak. Faced with blackmail and the arrogance most of us can give.
The supreme law of the Republic does not recognize how valid these failures, these transfers; any agreement is in derogation, so that, ipso facto, null and void.
In addition, the barbarity of moving the lunch break at the end of turn.
or during the work shift for a single moment of interruption, break, physically and mentally. Capital does not give up taking even a millisecond. He even asks us not to take account of 'the minimum requirement of 11 hours rest between shifts and another.
strictly technical reasons to justify such barbarity there are none, nor even that they FIAT camp, strives too much to sustain them. The reason
is therefore very clear and unique political nature.
Although he developed remarkable effectiveness and scope of patents, one for all multipoint injection, then maybe transferred to the competition, Fiat Auto it does not produce technologically advanced, but ... Certainly not
absenteeism and worker productivity have not made our country an attractive market for Germans, Japanese, South Korean French etc.. etc.. but the inability to produce cars that are opposed to the Toyota Yaris or Ford Focus or VW etc.. etc.. quality and price. Under these conditions, all right, if not sold weighs weighs .....
Despite the praises of free sbracati market and private enterprise are state aid which prevented FIAT get to the bottom.
The same Alpha Pomigliano, formerly owned by IRI, or the Italian Republic, was a generous gift from the Governments of the Republic did to the Agnelli.
Under these conditions many would be able to make the private entrepreneur.
And then if the technical reasons of blackmail, "or absolute control of the workforce, or I go" are manifestly inconsistent, it means that the reasons are political.
Closed Termini Imerese, supervised Melfi should bend Pomigliano. At a time
in which the political Left is virtually non-existent, workers ghosts transparent and silent, dissolved in their irreducible specificity (as we saw last night) in the figures of the consumer and the viewer, without any visibility, the attack to put democratic legality and setting up outside the gates of this and all other factories had many chances of success.
If not, was probably not due to a mythical erosimo vanguards of the old and the young rebels, like a bolsa neobolscevica rhetoric and operated out of time will tell us.
Not that the coupled-Granillo Malavenda more 's political and cultural insubordination of many young people have not weighed in the dam that prevented the overflow of the SI'.
Without this holding would have been impossible. It should be said and repeated, the estate would be literally impossible .
But it would not be enough. Almost certainly, in times where more security and certainty to have contours very foggy, it was the excesses, the excess of demand, the 'arrogance of wanting to win big to bring down the obstinate so many other working women and workers. The knowledge that once sold, or rather sold out too, there was nothing else to sell off, there ground was negotiating possible EVERYTHING, NOTHING EXCEPT , was put back in anything but good heart of the capital and its icy officials.
probably a more wise and patient as "Vaseline" would produce more damage against the working class and democracy in our country.
Fiat confirms itself eternally, from Valletta to Montezemolo, a true reflection of the country that 'she was born, his vices, his autoritarsimo rough and charismatic, his overall cultural backwardness.
But what about the national intelligentsia, one that breaks out against the gag, but can not find anything to say against the collar and leash ....????
irreverent with the pope, spernacchiatori President of the Republic, censors the sharp caste and its greatest exponent, assatirato the rider in front of the barbaric anti-working class (even the half-hour break for a meal you want to deny the fact, moving it to the end of the shift when male and female workers flee back home) and attack the constitutional rights, and the exponents girotondini girocoglioncini, Pancho Pardi, John Moretti, alias Nanni, singer and company have not said anything to the left, or rather did not say precisely nothing.
They live on another planet. Or think of living there. Truly the
triumph of alienation and false consciousness.
busy to contemplate the mirror, not the fan case tremors of the earthquake, they think vaguely that the vibrations of the subway.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Coupon For Body

waiting for me to reach out to others, and I went to the library to kill five minutes. There were piles of paperbacks on sale for the summer. E 'was sweet to see that the batteries were more eroded than the texts that you wear a graduation examination, "no one hundred thousand", "Confessions of Zeno", "I Malavoglia.
identified three books that I'll be back today to buy.
Meanwhile I'm finishing the last of the three who lent me John. "I did not understand what he was doing. Do not eat, even if his plate was filled. They had all begun to eat but she did not eat. Nor is the hunter of slaves ate. He had taken the bag of fur attached with a pin. He looked around and smiled with her mouth wide. But at some point I saw that he was waving to her, who sat motionless at his side. And then suddenly she began to eat. Chewed-up of long, with his gold teeth that moved beneath her beautiful lips. He seemed never to stop chewing the same mouthful. Do not you ever swallowed.
Suddenly the hunter of slaves raised his plate, he approached her head, put him in the mouth. And she began to regurgitate over the food that had so long been chewed by pushing out with his tongue, seeking them out on the gums and around teeth, fingers pulling at the end with the last fragments that remained attached to his lips while they were rejected in the pot.
The slave hunter has put the pot in front of him, he began to eat the pulp. If his lips with a spoon and then swallowed without chewing, while all eyes were fixed on him, on us.
<> told me all of a sudden, coming very close with my head as I looked out of breath, turned to stone. <>
I could not see, but I knew that she continued to chew and then regurgitate the food, and then he ate it.
"Whether what he has gold teeth? "Meanwhile, I went for the mind, as I looked around without seeing, in the glow of lights and Tiaras." That did break the teeth that had previously only because it has to chew the food for him? " It even seemed to catch even, on the faces of many of those wonderful little girls more than girls, in evening dress, low-cut, flashes of admiration and envy as he stared at by all parties that she was chewing and then rejecting the food He absorbed it swallowed, touched, and perhaps would have liked getting her teeth in turn and then be kicked them with their new gold teeth, the chosen ones to chew and then regurgitate the food for the hunter of slaves .
E ' Antonio Moresco, from "The fires".

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All Kates-playground Full Set

Hunter Model 44260 Gets Really Cold

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Antenna Shop Bay Area

How Much Daylight Is Gained Each Day Minnesota

something Ghazi and nonviolence a

Reasoning One moment, after the massacres of the past December 2008, anyone really thought that a humanitarian act and nonviolence as the departure of the fleet that tried to bring humanitarian aid to Ghazi, would have embarrassed the Zionist leadership?

plus Committed in a confrontation on the front for her most important one with Obama, who has tried, so far clearly unsuccessfully, to impose its own reasons to the band Nethanyau (worthy heir of the Stern Gang, a terrorist organization that owes its birth the state of Israel).

The Israeli attack was a random bloody, bloody deliberately, given the number of killed and seriously injured, to see to what extent the 'current U.S. leadership is willing to get in' support for Israel. Anyway, to establish a de facto negotiation.

Or "I want to see what happens in the U.S. if Obama, or his, dare to Zionist denounced the action, I want to see what happens between American Jews and nell'oponione American public."

So whatever he does in Israel, including legally pirate attacks against armed men, as some iron bar, the U.S. is not the sconfessaranno ever. This, of course, the attempt to Nethanyau.

How have won and what lost him to tell the weeks and months ahead.

certainly can not think that the U.S. make an abrupt about-face from 'day to the next.

If there are changes of any significance, and it is not said that there will, in pro-Israeli policy, coming next week to tell us.

On the other hand it should be noted that when you go down on the ground of non-violence, the Palestinian leadership, show all their political and cultural unpreparedness, an inadequacy caveman-style.

So every action of nonviolent pacifism international propalestinese would say suffered, endured, looked with an air of barely concealed enough, "this now goes to the convent, but if, tomorrow, etc.. etc. ".

's more than understandable that ordinary people in the violence nazisionista, the operations in style as well as that, terrible (and I believe this is not exaggerated the definition of nazisionista) performed in the minutiae of every day to annihilate human dignity of the Palestinians, as individuals and as a people, can not raise at the same time that rebellion and resignation iperviolenta frustrated, but very much harder to understand is that the ruling groups, a variety of accents, according to the ideologies advocated and conveniences party particular, do not know on the road to a review TOTAL their inspirations with the decision and take the path of non-violent struggle and mass.

Poor Gandhi if he had struggled through an isolated act of disobedience campaigns, and not weeks and months, after accumulating forces and developed the tactics most appropriate and varied, not only and not so much to testify, but TO WIN.

What if after six ships attacked and captured in international waters will start other three, then four more?

Declaring urbi et orbi that hard-nosed pirates who tolerate the attacks of the Zionist navy has not the slightest moral legitimacy to fight pirate attacks in the Red Sea?

What reactions have you in Turkey and other Islamic countries in the Mediterranean?

But can you imagine the turmoil between the people who would see their armed forces to repress non-violent Muslim activists and non-Muslims to defend the "right" (???) Israel's trampling of human rights anywhere convenient to do their rulers?
And in the armed forces??

And mind you not for a fourth or fifth holy war to throw overboard every jew, but to break the infamous siege of Ghazi.

Nothing is taken for granted, really, but certainly such an attempt, which could only come from deep-rooted cultural and political thoughts in the Palestinian leadership, it is worth to be designed and made.

Moreover this would breath and strength to the voices of Jewish Israeli peace that, although a tiny minority in these moments, however, exists, and is the only viable interlocutor for a future of peace and true democracy in Palestine.

that Hamas, a political movement with a religious fundamentalist and antiprogressista, may reject (or maybe one day accept for convenience only tactic) noviolento every speech is almost normal.

Although the path of armed struggle appears to be impractical, as the path to victory, given the huge disparities, immeasurably, the forces in the field, as good fundamentalist believers are waiting for the miracle.

But this compulsion to groped (Above all in vain) to be mirrored in the Zionist violence permeates the secular leadership so that this is amazing.
Their denial is based on corruption and resignation.

accept (suffer) because the negotiations without the gun and hope that, however, come a bit 'of dollars to maintain their privileges.

L 'nonviolent approach would serve to displace both of these leadership unable to stop warmongering Zionist hegemony over Palestine.

help develop democratic potential of the mass, while embryonic-exist on both sides of the barricade-giving trust between those who are willing to talk, to negotiate, to gain their attention and respect by the Jewish and Arab masses.

Mutual trust is a next step, for now utopically away, but not impossible. Why
contrary to the proclaimed Hamas can and should negotiate.

But negotiating with a genuine fight on his feet, otherwise the word "negotiation" is an understatement to say nothing of plaintive begging.

It 'obvious that you can think of to apply a comprehensive "law of return" for all Palestinians expelled and their descendants, but compensated fairly enough and those languishing in refugee camps for generations, recognizing the words with dollars and their historical responsibilities, political and moral catastrophe in the founding, Israel has sunk millions of Palestinian lives, THIS CAN AND MUST '.

E 'is also obvious that if you do not produce anything good kick from the lands where they were born a few generations and rooted by a number of Israeli citizens, making them refugees wandering thirsty for revenge, but a lot of Jews in Israel has failed, leaving their own country, where no one persecuted, following a ' pioneering ideology and religious fundamentalist, will go away and come back to where started to allow a decent life and decent people to whom he savagely ripped by force and brutality in the land where she was born.
This is very important that you get up as fast as you can, even by fellow teammates and 'Western Europe, the cry ISRAEL BOYCOTT, boycott everything that is aligned with the Israeli and Zionist policy.

denounce Israeli crimes, and especially the racist criminal who presided over the founding of Israel itself, a land without people for a people without LAND .

The Palestinian Arabs were hardly human beings (certainly by survivors of Auschiwitz which generously) but did not form a nation.

They lived in a land of which they were not the people, their roots were not true roots. What was then, tell him to, without resorting to racist crap.

It is no coincidence that the U.S., the nation's colonial and racist extermination par excellence, has such deep sympathy for Israel.

But just this root race and racism is the vice of origin, which prevents anyone has serenity and good sense to equate the violence of the Arabs and those of Israeli Jews. This
to restore the historical truth and moral. On the other hand they may be only a point of departure, not arrival.

's initiative to make political history can not remain captive.
But why must this happen that the Palestinian people should not be left alone, even when you do not share, in part or in full, addresses and inspiration of its leaders. Only through dialogue can be opened and the contamination from the space and perhaps feel the need to make some revisions.

From First recognition of the Israeli people's right to compensation and other relief. The conditions of peace there may be. On the Palestinian side for the moment there is no Mandela, from the Israeli refuznik there are too few.

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.... ....... SHIT THAT BEAUTY !!!!!

I assume that many of you
Ratnesh Sharma, Tom Christian, Martin Arlitt, Cullen Bash, Chandrakant Patel
showing complete strangers.

are a team of researchers at HP Labs in Palo Alto, California.

HP for the uninitiated is one of the world leaders at IBM, in the production of not only PCs, PDAs, printers, etc.. but also of the "machines" that do go on the big computing centers, those of banks, large and very large businesses, from automotive to aerospace to those that produce electricity.

At first glance, the five gentlemen who have not found out who knows what new, type-rematerialization dematerialized, or repellers gravity, that makes us fly without wings nor nor jet.

They just designed, made feasible, demonstrated the economic viability and environmental sustainability of a data processing center connected to a large herd of dairy cows (we are talking 10,000 items anyway).
from this URL ( you can download DESIGN OF FARM WASTE-DRIVEN SUPPLY SIDE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DATA CENTERS, which is the license plate and not at all senzazionalistico which I translated as wholesale DRAFT OF A STRUCTURE TO SIDE WITH FOOD WASTE a data processing center.

In short this document is the presentation of a project, derived from research conducted by these scientists on how to produce electricity from generators powered by methane extracted from manure every day that cows give ... ..

We have shown that more than protect us from shit we can defend us and the environment in which we live, with the shit ... now also remains to be studied and understood, and it would be of interest we Italians do it , well and quickly, because the human can also be used to light the way for future generations.

The reasons why our country should be interested in this shit I seem to feel exempt from the list and many, both for the number that the evidence for solar.

PS: I will not dwell even in
considerations acid on many current members of the ruling class, if ever five researchers from Hewlett Packard, we are an encouragement and an incitement 'claim " For the good of Italy, to save strength and energy, to shit mandiamoli
tuttto many. "