Sunday, December 4, 2005

Neilmed Nose Rinse Danger

Beware of Australian wines

So far, the Australian racing had covered a range of relatively low price that has flooded the international market also elbowing the road to the detriment of Italian wines.

have emerged in recent months, however, some signs that suggest a repositioning of the wines that are from "Down Under". Already this summer, when the Australian Wine Marketing Conference several speakers were invited to point to the price range (and quality), medium-high. Now comes into play Jamie O'Dell, general manager of Foster's Wine Estate, which has called on Australian manufacturers to aim for a higher rank for solving the problem of overproduction of wine in Australia.

Vitisphere in this regard, notes that growth in the U.S. wine market is driven by wines priced above $ 15, and Australian wines in this category represent only 0.5% of the market while on these prices have increased by Recently our exports.
So be careful to competitors from Australia's indirect, under the terms of marketing, have any intention of becoming direct competitors.


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