Friday, November 26, 2010

Rikers Island Visit Schedule For January


Who are we? Where are we going?
"Who we are, we are what we are and that we want to stay, and especially do not want four nigger Moroccan Gypsies, Muslims and various starving, come to break the balls, they want to build their mosques, close, do you think of our beautiful churches, that pig god, woe to them if they touch the massive all of them, and sends them at home over there in 'Islam ... "
do not think I have an extreme over-reactions of the synthesis of the militant legaiolo typical (say militant and non-voters) when it comes to welcoming to foreigners.
The largest flag (was huge, enormous) of my life (64 played) 's I've seen in Mexico, even the identity of a country uncertain and many in very difficult living with each other, and fairly recent national history ... I have my doubts that the British or the French would think to show a flag that size megagalattico.
The facade of 'aggressive identity is the protective shield behind which hides a "be there" because of fears and frustrations.
The fact that there is nothing rational behind, culturally elaborated below, his appearance (and substance) primitive, led the political class and leadership of our country, no less crude and uneducated, to underestimate the political implications before, find a suitable modus vivendi-cum later, the electoral successes of the Northern League.
Obviously when flows broken down more emotional and immediate burst onto the political scene, with adequate power to attract the attention, that is when the damage is already done for half the "conformists" he scandalized, launch anathemas, the old castle to defend the status quo ante is at the root of the emotional storm in question.
In the absence of political leadership able to grasp the scope of the request to intuit the need for innovation, to speak, not so much with mestafango riding the wave, as with the electorate shaken by this tsunami, innovating both the form and content, the damage will become widespread.
Take the case of fascism. In the Fascist movement in Italy, as in Nazi Germany, innovation does not appear reactionary NEVER as such, but rather looks like the exact opposite, is that across the board as DEFENSE OF TRADITION , not only this, but even inviting the eyes of the masses to turn to the contemplation of the glorious times of a past more or less distant, more or less mythical.
Fascism was renewal? if you intend this term in its positive sense, no, or at least not much.
legitimate and sanctified the social role of micro and small slices of the bourgeoisie, but the social structure remained unchanged, we say that it was yet another "masterpiece" of ocelots in our national history. Or, looked at from a perspective of class (not necessarily revolutionary, anyway), Fascism is not promoted any substantial emancipation of the working classes, or women.
Seen from the point of view of the total capital and dominant classes, fascism in Italy was the person who drove, orientation (for better or for worse) and manage those processes of modernization, however, that involved all the countries of the industrialized world in the period between the two world wars, and in this sense, and only in this sense, he was also an innovator.
identity, the 'be' a somebody, here and now, has two aspects, iscindibili yes, if by this term that one aspect does not exist without the other, but united in a way articulated, and then with a certain degree of autonomy.
appearance objective, that, to be clear on mediations that "define" the context and be in that context, much more detectable by an observer, outside in a certain way, and that subjective, or self-representation, self-awareness that someone has of himself.
obvious and banal, but I do not remember a fear of sin, that the greater the lack of reflection, lack of knowledge and awareness of objective data in the world in which they live (translated: the more you are ignorant) the more the flue mythology and ideology, common sense, materials with levels of self-consciousness of someone.
Helpless and aggressive, in short " beast trapped in the throes of emotional waves increasingly deafening that prevent him from hearing voices other than those reassuring (because promoters of identity granite and relaxing) of the pack.
The internal unrest, uncertainty about "what to do?" Which dwells inside, relatively calm down and are projected outwards and against the "enemy", fuel, source of psychic energy for the next battles be fought.
And then the identity is assured only insofar as it is lived conceived as static and immobile. Authentic because it avoided all contextualization, to shock, fractures, stress to the destructuring of a socio-historical context in rapid change.
I have a feeling that the very unpredictability of the change in speed-act necessary for many a fixed point, without a guiding star whose position defines the guidelines of the latest developments.
not assert the existence of such a polar star, asserting the need to rebuild the map all together, reassembling the fragments, laboriously, by formulating and reformulating hypotheses, checking, testing, appears to be a rigged game, made up of rules known only to the elites who offer good, and then mainly to manipulate and cheat the poor who are duped.
stuff of intellectual, subversive stuff, which, in fact, the air to throw the established order, they need to destroy confidence in the goodness of the tradition, to introduce doubt and debate where there was certainty and compactness.
"We are Christians always hog d. ..." Which is not to say that we are all people who read and reread the Gospels in order to better understand and more realizable message, trying to grasp the deeper meaning of the will of the heavenly Father to implement it in the ground ... when ever ...
Why "We are simple people, so many workers ... without shackles on his mind." "Call to talk, theories, here it takes just common sense ..." "The world goes on because they are facts, not because there is a racking their brains on the books" to explode, blinding supernova in the galaxy of common sense, in the synthesis and nell'apoteosi of thought (so to speak) Tremonti " THE CULTURE DOES NOT EAT. "
In fact, if I had previously approached the maroniana Taniello logic to the logic of that is going to confess, now comes naturally parallel between the fundamentalist Taliban, which denies the use of film, radio and TV but accepts that mobile phones and sophisticated weapons when they serve the cause of fighting for triumph of 'Islam.
loudly deny relativism, relativistic terms but in practice ... what? As they deem necessary to achieve and maintain their own goals. So it is completely right to say that not only admit relativism, but, in reality, what they want is a monopoly of the decision on how much and what can be relativized. Other than Islamic democracy, this is a matter of dictatorship / theocratic tyranny. Not the word of god, not the law of God, but the interpretation of these want to give the members of a certain party, here and now.
Similarly, the defenders of "our identity." It's not that they do not want absolutely no stranger simply want to let you decide where and how they should behave (not to make them feel in danger). Speak to such laws, but they would scratch scratch so much more: the chance to decide, regardless of laws and lawyers, (suits chatter, bone to earn lawyers) who can and what can, on a case by case basis, moment by moment ...
consumerism that makes you feel even more powerful.
The 'consumer goods industry in fact put into service objects whose internal operation processes are accessible, sometimes ultraspecializzate only to people who design them, but of extreme simplicity in serving the wishes of the ordinary consumer, or the' learning of their basic usage is something relatively easy. Plus facilitated by their great spread, so the neighbor, son, classmate, more acute, perceptive and instrumented explains to the less noticed and thus contributes to the spread of knowledge / training in 'use of these toys contribute to the realization that much of the capitalist cycle.
This unbridgeable chasm that exists between the hand making (or rather issuing a few commands) and the brain who knows little or nothing of what happens in reality, because the desired goal is reached, this being end-users of instruments and ways of being, ways of thinking and forms of interpersonal relationships in the most logical escape the most genuine and deep, makes us impatient and sometimes arrogant and often mentally and intellectually lazy.
FORWARD overbearing intellectual laziness CURRENT = INTOLERANCE.
Here then is the alternative that presents itself (which more obviously bogus) escape into the bucolic.
The frantic desire to escape to a better 'back.
One thing however is to use the knowledge that we have to put in question, or the thought that thinks that criticism itself (already ehh ... then there will always come back, like it or not) to envisage different routes to go in the future, which technologies to keep and which to bury, which develop and which ban ... more is purely and simply the revival of the pasture, the poultry, of 'the good old days .... Crafts
highly commendable work done for hermits (and not everywhere you can do the hermit, even if you want) or to wealthy professionals who use them as invigorating moments of refreshment and relaxation. In short, the model is more admired than Mennonite followers ....
practice the movement's critique of fundamentalism and the processes of identity, can not be waged in the name of a generic (and anchessa ultraideologica) cosmopolitan identity, that as the leak in the bucolic, has very solid roots in the clouds but with the methods of 'investigation materialistic patiently reconstructs the map, putting back together fragments, painstakingly, formulating and reformulating hypotheses, verified.
When building a bridge between the struggles of migrants and the indigenous people of lower classes in Italy, when you flashed to the minds of some and the others who might have interests in common, is not built to blow something new, but still trying hard to shed the suit because a new face is added to the prism of their / our identity.
and the construction of a new dimension of identity often goes to the negation of the old. A worker who supports the proposals of the league against the workers foreigners because it does seem to be the only means of salvation in the storm of crisis. Deny, consciously or not its identity as a worker to feel that Po is threatened by thieving Rome and from immigrants who come here They want to rule in our house.
WHEN HE and an Italian worker supports and calls for the support, migrant workers build a bond (the balance remains to be seen), which means that he includes and excludes. And also that he should include and not exclude themselves.
while facilitating the development of a mosque in place does not help almost never extremism but the 'inclusion.
If I do get inside the circle with the eyedropper, those entering my / our circle and then slowly, perhaps tomorrow we'll see ....
But if one says that those who meet certain requirements can not be excluded from the Circle, the circle can become a community, to forge a new identity that no one now can say how they will be here. But we know that will (for better or for worse) new identities, new ways of being, new ways of being together with us. That will have some genetic traits of all of us, who have also lost some genetic traits that were unique to each of us, individually considered.
parents decide to have a child, it definitely will affect the character and life (for better or worse) but if they are not fools, know they can not know what will really . They only know that it will be and hope. Even those who are looking to build new and more dynamic forms of society and identity, does not know will not like. He only knows that they will be. He can only fight and hope. The only one that has certainly lost the fight you decide not to take.
I closed with the words you read on this lengthy digression.
But, for whatever obscure reason, from my convolutions brain showed a memory, the memory of the cry QUE VIVA LA MUERTE, LA Inteligencia Abajo (Down with the death of a living intelligence). This unfortunate phrase belongs to the English fascist General Millan Astray. In every language, I hope that one day we will cry together VIVA LA VITA, VIVA INTELLIGENCE . Will also be a chip for a new identity.


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