Friday, October 8, 2010

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virus Bolsheviks and the MONSTERS IN BEATING HOME

A Bischeri SCIORTO 4

The virus of "Bolshevism" must be a virus of the most die-hards.
Once someone is infected, difficult to heal.
But I can live with this infection, but sometimes it takes over, and then there's moments of depression, anger, and even, it seems impossible to believe, nostalgia.

I just used the TG La7 of 13.30 this Friday, October 8, and I can not get out of the depression that grips me angry.
A girl of 15 years died, murdered by a sex maniac uncle, who, when, particularly repellent obsessively repeated-rather, he slammed face-raped the poor body ... body mass media that is used by van to the other, to raise as much as possible the audience ... To
audience, as is well known, is firmly connected to the market commercials.
So, let me vent and a good time, "percent of these murders' a bit like the pigs of building speculators who rubbed his hands with joy listening to the news of the earthquake of L'Aquila ....
If we were to count how many times these days that separate us from August 26, the day of the kidnapping and murder of poor Sarah, we heard about it, the feeling that has settled in our feeling is that every day they kidnapped a girl, is that, starting yesterday, at least three times a day, a poor child has been murdered and fifteen foolish by his tormentor.
Fortunately it is not. Fortunately it is not. Fortunately it is not. Fortunately it is not.

I will or not I also entitled to repeat myself so obsessive?

The poor one is dead, the murderess Misseri Michele is one.

Feminicide, because of this it is a horrible thing. And in the past days there was another, committed by two workers, father and son, Pakistanis, who murdered his wife because my mother ... and so on. etc.. even there until he came the news of the assassination of providential Avetrana him to obsessively repeated many times a day for several days- seemed that the 'Italy had awakened invaded by hordes of Pakistanis, who massacred the wives and mothers ...

Instead of Antonio Di Matteo, 63, Joseph Cecere, 50, Vincenzo Russo, 43, died of asphyxiation in Capua, Caserta, while working at a tank, near which should not be without her being given the slightest degree of protection against chemical agents that would kill them, these are no longer talking .... and even the people who, one way or another are investigated to see to what extent are responsible for these Three dead, you're not even talking a bit ', knew neither the names nor the faces of people who (save) money they did die three fathers, while Michael will tell us soon Misseri also the color of the pants.

And also on a German gentleman, that Harald Espenhahn, CEO of Thyssen Krupp Italy means of mass communication are extremely stingy with news, photos, interviews, details about his private life are moving very little, a privacy exemplary, for better or worse, do you ....

The night between 6 and 7 December 2007 seven workers of the Thyssen Krupp factory in Turin are burned to death an accident caused by a lack of adequate safety measures.

Failure to adapt security measures seems to be linked with the ongoing disposal of the plant (which nevertheless continued to produce and to the production of the seven poor people are burned alive ).... So the leaders of Italy Thyssen Krupp, that Herr Doktor Harald Espenhahn, they had decided that they could save a lot 'of money at the cost of risking the lives of some workers ....

Now it is true that I am sure, without knowing it, Herr Doktor Espenhahn Harald has not shown the slightest pleasure at the news of these tragic deaths, I will say more, I think that beyond the troubles him is that, Herr Doktor probably the idea of \u200b\u200bthose deaths will really suffer, because You see, he is a person like that? .... Normal, not mentally ill as the unfortunate uncle of Sarah.
He did not go around strangling and even dead bodies of young girls to rape.

It is also normal that he tried to save money for your company, ie to earn a substantial (a few million euro) bonus prize year-end. After all, even Herr Doktor "holds" family ....

So if Herr Doktor Harald Espenhahn is normal, although its decisions, in one way or another, at the 'origin of the fire that burned seven workers live, and if you Misseri Michele, Uncle Monster it is not normal .... who is more guilty?

Or rather who is more socially dangerous?

The names of the suspects in the deaths of Capua there will also be somewhere in the network, but it is not easy to find them .....

here who is more socially dangerous, Michele Misseri, uncle monster, or someone between 21 might become more involved in the decision to put to work without protection (and perhaps without the necessary training) the three poor masons?

and instead relies on the death penalty for Michael Misseri, uncle monster, guilty, colpevolissimo, only one, solissimo, although heinous and repulsive murder.

And if the little Sarah Scazzi,
of Avetrana 15 years, struck down, finished, no future, was dead at work I would do all casino, you beat the monster on the front page? but I say? in a serial endless headlines?

I sure do not have an answer .... and perhaps for this reason, the virus of Bolshevism my storm, it makes me crazy in the head these questions, these deep causes me discomfort, almost a real "pain of life "....


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