Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Red Wine And Black Stool

October in Paris, fashion

From 28 September to 6 October the runways will light the French city and about a hundred designers will offer their creativity, major fashion designers present their collections for spring / summer 2011.
The shows will take place in interesting locations Le Petit Palais, Le Jardin des Tuileries and Le Carrousel du Louvre, all very beautiful places.
Here is the schedule of events: Sunday, October 4

Karl Lagerfeld
10:00 am 11:00 am 24:00 pm Andrew Gn
Akris Emanuel Ungaro

1:00 pm 2:00 pm Costume National
3 : 00 pm 4:00 pm
Hussein Chalayan Dries Van Noten
Kris Van Assche
5:00 pm 6:30 pm 8:00 pm
Givenchy Sonia Rykiel

Monday, October 5 10:00 am Stella McCartney
11 : 00 am Barbara Bui
12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Guy Laroche
Giambattista Valli
3:00 pm 4:00 pm Celine
5:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Estrella Archs
Yves Saint Laurent

Monday, September 27, 2010

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about Beppe Grillo

A Bischeri SCIORTO 3

Numerosisssimi are the reasons that keep me away from "grillismo" ... not least, anything but, the 'be a character that identifies the list. As for the radicals, like the League ....." a guide, a movement, a people "(one of the mottos on the rise of National Socialism ...)
many, many times, I clapped my happy leader turn. but my identification with him (or her) was transitive and transient, temporary. That is the person best embodies my ideas, my political judgments of the moment. Certainly do not deny that my ideas of the moment is to be formed from ALSO contamination with those who exercise leadership, but they were right or wrong (sometimes proved a little 'bust ...) were born not only or primarily through those relationships. There was a substratum to which they existed, and continues, for better or worse, to persist and to pre-exist with them, (so much so that I am here, and various Sofri, etc. Bertinotti. Etc., are from all directions' On the other hand ...)
This way, seemingly autobiographical, to say that only the study, dialogue, reflection may put end to beliefs other than the flash of a moment .... a flame that the wind of events can to flare up but can also turn off.
to say and reaffirm that when practice the theory and practice everyday organizational policy is not intimately intertwined, activists, and movements to which they refer, are likely to cease to exist, with the same ephemeral speed with which they were born.
The lack of rigid ideological references, etc. Marxism. etc.., to the extent that easy, and not just the relationship and the outlet with a society in which the prevailing fashion in these moments of ' ideology of' antiideologismo , however, makes it extremely fragile the theoretical framework of the movement, which will surely as a mass-based privileges, doing the thinking and planning.
should also be noted that the disgust for the ideology is widely, much more which is widely , justified by the dogmatism with which they sought to impose. More than proposals for discussion and policy-strategic and cultural were "revelations" in that it uses to enforce and establish the goodness of a policy choice.
stuff of creepy .... and to think that this nonsense, nonsense often tragic, were passed off to the scientific method, for materialism .... I repeat: very stuff of creepy! The
grillismo is an innovation, all of this into the atmosphere, but does not reduce , not flatten TO IT ... , the critique of consumerist models of development, coupled with environmental protection, together with proposals in a manner quite feasible without disrupting the daily life of each cyclone, or improving substantially, regardless of its political feasibility, here and now , make it a proposed reservoir, a reservoir bubbling and effervescent, which must pressurize accounts is a big part of those who vote for the center, and a considerable part of those who vote the League and also center.
grillismo And that affects the election results show.
course, like all movements, without exception, that, more than forty years now, the news is happening on stage and Italian history, it lacks the ability to take on those groups of people, although I had nothing to lose, are refractory to any discourse of civic engagement. I say burn and not to the contrary, I burn in the sense of waterproof, insensitive, completely disinterested.
But these people are few, and they are probably all genetically programmed to be so ... but their attitudes, primarily geared to use of the leisure-oriented only to distraction, however, also be understood ... they are also the result of a mass demobilization of the social struggles that, in years 60 and 70, were shocked and deeply involved in our country.
No, unfortunately, unable to upset the power structures ... indeed. And everything is also the root of the demobilization of which I said above.
be sure, the verbal aggression, which both serves to galvanize their ranks, can in fact increase the gap with these popular sectors.
one thing to the complaint, and steadfast total of wrongdoing, citing crimes and criminals, with given names and dates, the show is another, quite funny to me sometimes, not always, in which criminals and crimes are being a divertissement of rubbish. This is not to condemn the pillory, to me that in some cases is fine, but to condemn the use of 'indictment as a pillory. Before the misdeeds van tried and then the penalty will also be pilloried. The theater is made later, those who want to celebrate, not before, to play.
Certainly listening to, on Sunday, September 26 La7, a duet between Marco Follini and Nichi Vendola, along with the huge differences between the two, also found, and how could it be otherwise?, Their anthropological community, including how to dress and to manage, they belong in the world who's boss, who is the world's top.
is certain is that if you do not have the strength, as we now do not have, to throw the air table with paper, cloth and green chips, must find a way of interacting with the standard of those around, contending for power over our lives, or parts of it for conditioning, and the first stop, play, later. Because one thing is to win
assault of seats as representatives in institutions, the other is a truly alternative use of these seats, and that is what the "grillismo" is called to give evidence of their substantial differences.
Vendola is not and never will be an even Pepe Mujica and Grillo. But regardless of any moral evaluation Vendola style, I believe that people need to identify leadership shockingly similar to the so-called man on the street, at least in the early appearances. Also to be satisfied that he or she does as we may do a lot ... and Vendola, but I think Grillo, without this feature ... but, finally, this first assessment, on which I hope to come back, maybe with the help of the reader, and after reading, believes it worthwhile to insert a comment if I had to choose between lists and lists Vendola Grillo, Grillo choose, for his total estrangement, even full-blown environment of the left, just as we have known tradizionalemte.
Maybe, or, almost certainly, the great moments of the most radical left, to be saved, and perhaps metabolized, require that what remains of the left, making a break deep, deep. The elegance earring a little 'village and the traditional good Niki, or ammicamento tradition and the "new" should be rejected today, aware that doing so will pay high prices, high .... but that is worth doing well this bet.
Otherwise there is only stick on the mud and dirt, even worse, to hinder our movements.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Keri Leigh Tucker Metal Show


A Bischeri SCIORTO 2

If you scream "We must make the revolution !!!!" runs a bit 'of people , little, little in truth, but not necessarily with the ambulance stretcher bearers .... then maybe we start arguing with fools on how, when, where the objectives ...
Certainly the revolution must be a difficult thing, extremely difficult, so much so that have not came out good ....
Well! Then we
reforms .... meaning for those ones that give a little more power today who has not, that a little more opportunity to those who today has less than ....
since the other, the "changes" to the laws of Berlusconi, to cite an example close to us, sadly, not reform.
And they are not, not because I write this, or why do not you like me .... God forbid ...
not reform, because reform without change.
Or give a little more power to those who already have a lot, increased a little more opportunities for those who already have plenty.
because reforms are not going in the direction dell'andazzo current, more power to those who are high, less power and less life to those below, go in the direction in which the world (with some rare break) is always gone. How would
newspeak jargon of some journalists, tend to widen, not narrow the gap.
revolution would reverse the gap, first, to abolish it altogether, then.
But we know that is not at this time to 'agenda.
And then I start to cry, "school reform !!!!!" nisba, you do not see anyone ...." STOCK MARKET REFORM "nobody ...." REFORM OF THE LAW ON THE MEDIA IN THE antimonopoly" no, I remain alone ...." MORE ON IMMIGRATION REFORM " still restless loneliness ..... and of course ... the revolutionaries because they are not, by definition, the reforms can not do shit, even the reformists because ..... there are not ....

ectoplasm is haunting ITALY, AND 'THE ectoplasm Veltroni.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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the Mayor of Castel Volturno, a few questions

A Bischeri SCIORTO 1

Castelvolturno the Mayor, Antonio Scalzone.

Mayor Scalzone should bring the evidence that he had never seen a western movie and then we believe in good faith.
to bring evidence of not being an avid reader of historical fiction do not ask him.
not to have seen his face (only in photographs). But why is a citizen of a republic in which many read little (they are also quite a few 'back with new technologies ...) and then wonder why he too was in line with the current trend.
BUT TO SHOW THAT THEY NEVER SEEN A WESTERN, BEH MI preclude this request indefinitely. Because if the mayor
Scalzone had seen some western little more information we would. Some more information about Indians, I mean.
And then it would not be an ignorant person but one who consciously lies.
would know that what he calls "immigrants to America" \u200b\u200bwere invaders instead, rich and equipped with technology, military and otherwise, far superior to those of native Indians, in fact. In
'invasion-conquest-destruction of Mexico played an important role the horse (unknown in America), armor and firearms. ...
Scalzone Mayor, She who has links with the environment so close investigation, to know what no one else knows .... Or say .... The weapons immigrants if they bring down 'the Africa or when we have the people compared to their fellow citizens and criminals and so the Camorra. etc.. ?
and disease? Already diseases. ... Mr. Mayor ... Scalzone. Immigrants if they bring from home or take ours, mainly tuberculosis, because they live in miserable places and are also undernourished?
Indians, Mr. Mayor Scalzone, the English immigrants seized by the Europeans, but we do not consist in cases of dengue, leprosy, leptospirosis (yellow fever) on the coast Domitiana her ... yes? tell us, tell us ... The same
SIDA Mr. Mayor, is certainly not a scourge, in Italy, nor in Castelvolturno. ... if so you would have had a duty to alert ... .. So
?? So?? Really
mayor Scalzone his line on the Indians of America was more evidence of racism which permeate. The classic Freudian slip. A real textbook case.
racist because any of its constituent (racist like you) feels more than a "dirty Indian" and does not want to make sure its fine ....
racist because it insults the extermination of a people only in the lies of which you are welcomed with open arms the prodigal "immigrants", on the contrary, having realized immediately the type of scum that was before he fought the with all his strength, paying high rates of blood (and still fights, think a bit 'after five centuries, the Indians continue to struggle). From
Enriquillo to Tupac Amaru, in Atahualpa Yupanqui to Cahualtelmoc, these names are sacred to the memory of many Latin Americans. These are the names of the fallen leader fighting against the English, are the names of leaders of the struggles that still continue. After five centuries. These are the names which are registered with children, are the names of the battle of anti-imperialist and anticolonial guerrilla leader.
are quite often NAMES hybridization. Children of immigrants and the oppressed, united in a blood continues to boil and to rebel.
Just think 'some of the descendants of those who fought and Pizarro Valdivia, are still fighting against invaders surnames padanissimi, Benetton
... ... These things are not in those movies, so I tell him, but that was the desire to get to read before saying stupid things and other offend the memory of the dead. The memory of the victims of the massacres.
looks like a hobby. The insult to people who have been massacred, it is his passioncella no less repugnant than that of his friend Berlusconi, 74enne "Rattus" minors ...
We know that our talk to his constituents are not neither hot nor cold. The vote because they are racists like you. Racism is an infection of the spirit, such as SIDA and syphilis in the body.
But she was voted to do well in the day, only one voter out of three, she took 55% of the votes cast, went there to vote but only 68% of those eligible. ... So .... So if social forces, whether democratic organization, if the parties non-racist, Castelvolturno could have worked well, perhaps in the distant future, a mayor who, remembering the junk and poisons out of his mouth and apologized, not only to immigrants, but also to the many inhabitants of Castel Volturno, to the troubles that the political class of which she has passed the part.
with neither estimate (and God forbid ...) or friendship. PS I do not see

I take it with his party. But with the political class, of which she is a party, governing from and too sgoverna Castelvolturno (and beyond). The administrations that preceded his, on immigrants, who have not spent much, that very little that they have done, I have urged that because, in exhausting negotiations, and fearfully, not to disappoint the many racists too many (perhaps even seeing someone too).
What she holds up to public ridicule which share responsibility for the degradation of CVolturno, priests and communists ... but he knew about the case of priests, communists? or perhaps linked to the Communist skirts of priests? Or maybe?? bohhhh face her.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Why Do Men Kidney Stones


Scalzone Antonio, mayor of Castel Volturno, Caserta has rejected a request to place a small monument and a plaque on the site September 18, 2008 a group of fire "Casale" (led by Joseph Brisson) murdered six Ghanaian and seriously injured a seventh.
The request was submitted by a group of associations gathered in the Provincial Anti-Racism Network, which sees all the Comboni Fathers, the center of Caserta ExCanapificio Jerry Mazlo the association and many others. Anthony writes
"I think it inappropriate and impractical to allocate the sculpture commemorating the massacre for the sake probably related to investigations that are not yet concluded but which cast a shadow over the massacre. According to press reports
tailoring Ob. Exotic Fashion was a logistics base for drug dealing criminal organization run by the immigrants who were part of Ghana. "
Advance immediately that this morning at 11, however, the promoters try to put the monument on the spot, with a motivation Plus .... openly reject the vile racist insinuations of the mayor of Castel Volturno. Even
he attached to the fax machine communicates with the decision combines two articles in local magazines, dating back to November 2009, which alludes to the fact that the tailoring of Africa, near which was consumed by the massacre, there were clues that could be a basis for drug dealers.
is neither attachment nor cited any official act of the competent judicial authority, (as is said in gobbledygook) which, in some way, the direct involvement of victims in criminal activity of any kind.
What's more, to this day no measures are taken against the owners of the local tailor. ...
Scalzone's speech (and of many inhabitants of Castelvolturno) mold is clearly racist.
Several Ghanaian (and African, however) are involved in the sale, which is actually something very true, and therefore also the victims, as manganese, are / were criminals until proven otherwise. Obviously
underline the fact that many Italians are drug dealers is not fully taken into account.
The trial for the massacre, which began Nov. 12, 2009 at the Court of Assizes in Santa Maria CV (CE) not only did not match any corroborating the view in any way racist gangs but, if anything, has endorsed the opposite view , supported by the people, also Italian, who knew the victims well.
The victims were killed at random, apparently one of the killers of the focus group, English Orestes, who deposed to that effect, it was not a targeted action to eliminate competitors or to bring in line the "splitters" ... . but an act intended to lower the head of these niggas shit.
That this is the prevailing interpretation in the legal field is evidenced by the fact that the accused is also alleged the aggravating circumstance of racial reasons and the court admitted as plaintiff's Social Centre Movement ExCanapificio-Provincial Migrants of Caserta.
Obviously this is not enough to Scalzone Antonio.
Imagine for a moment that someone should do an investigation on certain names. I think of the names inscribed on the gravestones in many parts of Italy commemorate the massacres of unarmed civilians by Nazi troops ... and it comes out that some of the slain had not led a life as exemplary. That ago? It takes its name from the tombstone? As if they had wanted to punish his murderers for what? Or as if some of his past would make him unfit to appear as an innocent victim of such barbaric violence? We
these questions we do not dare to ask the mayor Scalzone, among other things born in Casal di Principe, like so many good people and many criminals.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Use Estelle As Contraception

Cosimo woke up ill this morning, crying. When his father took him to the kitchen I asked cos'avesse dreamed. "Fallen from motobicletta," she said. (When a few days ago Tomizawa motorcyclist died in a Chinese restaurant where we were the order was transmitted and retransmitted by a large television, Cosimo I asked what it was, I told him that a boy had fallen from the motorcycle, pore coconut, and he kept repeating, as the images continued to flow, will be continued for twenty minutes, "fallen from motobicletta ... crying ...)
Cosimo I did not understand even if you have this thing I ask when I ask what he wanted. Responds However, after thinking, I replied in August often "pool".
Then he went to kindergarten as every day, while I traccheggio front of the computer because I have to go and have a conversation on the heavy and unpleasant work, and I've got no desire.
I often think what struck me the story of Evelyn on James Joyce's Dubliners, when I read it in 19 years, what struck me as beautiful and profound.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cheese Fondue Without Pot

11 septiembre 1973 -11 septiembre 2010

Todavia SE Siento.