Sunday, April 25, 2010

Septic System For Cabins

April 25, 2010

One of the consequences of the Council of Trent, convened to take measures to confront and destroy the Protestant Reformation, (ie to turn back the clock) was the overlap of large fig leaves on the male genitalia of an uncountable number statues.
Obviously the greatest effect was not to hide from view but to draw attention to what you wanted to hide. A little 'as the psychic material removed, but not dissolved nor resolved, which, as Freud would have discovered, from the rooms of the unconscious begins to beat his fists and kicking the door lock that precludes access to the level of consciousness.
As the ceremonies commemorating each year on April 25. Ie the end (more or less successful) of the War of Liberation.
I started writing these lines because a few seconds ago I saw that Napolitano, commemorating April 25 in Milan, spoke of that Pertini, Rome, soon after the announcement of the armistice and the flight of the king and government from the capital after the September 8, despite being aware of what the 'company was desperate, she tried to organize resistance against the Germans who wanted to occupy it, and that the occupied. Speaking of this
Napolitano was visibly moved. It was moved, in my opinion, because it stirred something in his subconscious telling him: "Once again you did it ".... because nobody stood up to shout" And while many women (there were at Porta San Paolo even the girls) and many men fought, risked and died, where were you? what the hell were you doing? "
Pertini I never idolized, tend to an iconoclast, and I think his presidency was not free from sins, some venial not sure ....
But in his youth, and sometimes even later, he was courageous and never cowardly or servile nor conformist.

sympathy is not by chance, I'd say more, matching the meaning of love that binds Napolitano, Fini instead.
Worse could not happen to good to be commemorated by Sandro that the old balance Napolitano.
Stalinist Stalinists when to be made, up to infamy of Soviet vilify the heroism of the Hungarian workers and students rose up against the Stalinist oppression in 1956 (Stalin had been dead for over a year, but the bad habit in the "colonies" was not changed) who fought with the only petrol bombs against Togliatti and the Russian tanks .... then Amendola and then and then ...... unyielding opponent of the de "il manifesto" in the name of the bureaucratic authoritarian centralism, fifty years after abject filomaericano, much to deride the pacifism of Bertinotti, at the time of the proclamation of the war in Iraq.
Very noble and appropriate the words of Marco Revelli, son of the partisan Nuto and writer, called by RAINEWS24 to comment on the anniversary and commemorations, although it has politicized the selection of praise and recognition in the presidential vacuity.
Revelli said that after the Sept. 8 there were two nations, that of a king on the run, the other DGLI the Italians who chose to resist. The second choice freely, without state hierarchies nor preordained ...
I would like to add a special memory, due in these times, for all those foreigners (including U.S., Canadian, British) prisoners who escaped freely, instead of going to Switzerland, then return here to fight with their armies, they chose to remain with the partisan bands, in case of capture have suffered the same fate of the partisans.
And even those Russians who escaped from prison just for fighting alongside Italian partisans, and even those few, very few GERMAN deserted the Wehrmacht Shame TO BE PARTISANS, knowing that, if captured, their fate would have been even worse than terrible already reserved for supporters.
Peppino Peppino Garibaldi and Mazzini, the two saints that we have so far appealed in times of difficulties, the "apostles" (but when did the great fucked ...) of our (botched) national unity, which everything could be defective (but not true, there were two large), except for patriotism, they said (and practically) always "I love my home because 'I love all the country."
So the Republic is the second born of the Resistance is an inclusive not exclusive idea of \u200b\u200bcountry as that legaiola. No matter how large the territory of a country but the vision that the people who live there has relationships with the people who are born and live in other territories, and maybe they choose or are forced to relocate.
Homeland inclusive is the one that accepts that turns and turns, the other is the lair of wild beasts chauvinist, always ready for war next venture.
E 'and then to the idea of \u200b\u200binternal peace and external to build all that we can resubmit April 25 anti-fascist. And in the name of this idea to ask forgiveness to all / the ones / the Iraqis and Afghans who have suffered and still suffer the insult occupation of their country by Italian soldiers (those who fight just for the money, not to defend the soil of the country) who work collaboratively to slaughter of innocent civilians. To start talking about this
removals and fig leaves. The commemorations want to conceal with a sense of patriotic rhetoric injuriously fascist political choice, a choice of field, biased, partisan, and in the fullest sense of the word and higher. Regaining
democracy not only meant for new elections every few years, but recognize and restore human dignity to every human being. This is now openly and forcefully called into question, not of national unity that interests me, but the motives behind the attempts to destroy it.
Many of us have more of a homeland, not necessarily at war them. Their city, their region, but also, for me, is the western part of 'Europe is the Mediterranean and the other homelands who share it with us.
not just the idea of \u200b\u200bhome should not be exclusionary but can also be non-exclusive. The one with the world and their own race (the human one, the only one I know of) has to be a relationship of freedom and solidarity.
Nothing more dismal and hypocritical then take that crowns the monuments to the partisans together with representatives fielded an army under the command of the imperialists and engaged in wars of aggression, only a dissociation constant from these daily and shame can hope to return one day decent for Italy, and not all Italians and Italians who live there.
This clearly does not mean indifference nor will share ideas of Islamic fundamentalists, but just a reminder to respect the history and integrity of the homelands of others.
It is not going to bomb and destroy that promote and suggest the values \u200b\u200bof democracy and open society, allowed but not granted, that these are the real reasons the war against the Afghan people. And instead of submission 'to the will of Afghanistan' Empire.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Configure My Webcam To My Oovoo

I must point out this initiative, which I find very interesting and I discovered a few nights ago, by chance, talking with some friends. It is called Casa Decor and is an exhibition that sees the work designers, artists and interior designers. The secret of its success (it is replicated every year in various cities around the world) lies in its formula, as simple as it is innovative. Take a palace - deserted - we are closed in these designers and the like, and what emerges is a blend of creativity and a source of ideas and stimuli for all the creative minds in search of ideas and ideas.
browsing here and there I saw that in 2006 and 2008, two events have found their theatrical stage respectively in Milan, in 'ex Garage Traversi di Piazza San Babila , and Turin, the 161 Piazza San Carlo .
Web pages are:
for events in Italy, and for the event in Madrid this year (2010) will be held from May 20 to 20 June in the Palacio de Velázquez, 29.
On the English site, clicking on "espacio de Actualidad," you can download photos of exhibition space, now empty, in the image above is an excerpt.
same site, under "espacio de Publicaciones" you will find the catalogs of exhibitions of past years.

ps: if you change from Madrid maybe we take a trip together.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What In Tequila Causes A Headach

Home Decor The fun can make a difference?

This site is based on the idea that something as simple as the fun may be the key to changing , the better the habits of the people. that you do for yourself, the environment, or for something completely different, the only thing that matters is that it is changing for the better. The ingenious found is that he thought Volkswagen a contest of ideas to change the world for the better! On the site, , you can meet a lot of videos, drawings and photos posted by participants in the competition, which aims to provide tangible evidence to support the theory fun.
The competition closed on 15 January. We are all waiting to know the winner!
Have fun!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pros & Onsof Convction

Muuto design

Let me point out two very nice items in their sheer simplicity. The site is . Click on the image to see the original funny video installation!

Hard To Swallow Stiff Neck Aching


While I was touring Italy with my French friend Clarisse (which is also my roommate in Madrid), I had yet another confirmation that my sense of direction gets worse with age. I must say that I never really had a sense of direction so I do not know at this point, we can speak of a grew worse ... However, as the map of the city kept the Poor Clares, who had never been to Florence, we lost and we ended up at 3 Via dei Serragli. If you're ever in Florence, a little 'out of the classic tourist route Piazza della Signoria - Ponte Vecchio - Uffizi, there is this small library with a kitchen that is called cuckoo. Worth a visit two reasons. The first is the space and pesonal are very welcoming, and the second: the sauce, Tuscan olive oil with which to garnish the dishes to reflect on the meaning of life.
Want the environment, either because the books that you can browse and chat and wait to be served ... in the midst of all this we asked a question: Since I do not know his language, and she does not know my (our elected English to communicate, the language of which we have a vocabulary dramatically poorer than that which each of us may have in their native language) ... we would see if we could communicate differently in our respective languages? The answer we found because in the meantime we have served, and because of the sauce of olive oil I think, we went to the theme of the meaning of life.

Dora Backpack Invitations Template

They say the grass is always greener. I thought, I swear, it was so. In general it is. Really. But since I live in Madrid, I realized that I miss my garden.
Be ', who knows my garden, who has seen at least once, I know I can not help but laugh heard this ... For those who saw him, I must tell you, for the record, which is the less nice garden you can imagine, the 'anti garden, paradise of weeds, bushes and flowers planted a little 'accident. If I can get me to mail you a picture that promise the public. However, returning to the main assumption, I miss my garden. And read this statement as you want! In a literal sense (I will never stop to thank those who showed me - patiently - accompanied greenhouse pandering to my creative moments from gardening) or in the deepest sense and metaphorically ...
said that I point out a site I found by chance while looking for, in reality, the web page I found a store here in Madrid called El jardin del Angel, Calle Huertas, 2 (which has a wonderful porch; if you go around here worth a visit). I said, the site of shop I have not found but on the other hand I found this , STRING GARDENS on, a sort of flying gardens. Worthy substitute.
Take a look also to the "moving" while you're at.

8 Month Old Has Dry Cough

Because the food before it has to be food for the eyes ... This site embraces and uncompromising honor this idea and speaks through his photographs, such as happiness passes through the pleasure of food.

Grooms Cake Michigan Wolverine

still talk about design, we mark this site which struck me above all things, the surprising simplicity. I believe that the objects, easy to implement by anyone with a bit 'of manual (and time!) Origilale can bring something to the spaces where loved ones live.
Good job!

Driver Inspiron 1525 Sd

Anyone who knows me knows! My love for the lamps is comparable only to what I feel for the kitchen! While I was wandering through Italy, I met by chance, this little shop of design objects and in particular lamps.
it lets you know! It's called Black and is located in Arezzo, Via De 'Redi, 7. His website is: and the guys who work there are really nice and prepared to answer all your questions. While you are there also point out that, again in Arezzo, every first Sunday of the month, there is a market for goods Vintage a must!

Ncrease Velocity On Tac-5 Recon Paintball

This little piece of heaven has welcomed me and my friend Clarisse after more than three months away from Italy with a breakfast that has nourished the spirit.
It's called California and Bakery is located in Piazza Sant'Eustorgio 4, Milan, and is great for carving out a small parenthesis in itself. It offers a lot of services such as home delivery or even the possibility of renting a basket full of picnic blanket to spread on the grass! For more info .
Bon appetit!