Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Where To Buy An Xvest In Canada

Miwa's Return: Pogo's Revenge Mr. Miwa was

There are only 5 days awaited (?) return of live Miwa ... January 26, the most famous band in the world after the Sarchiapones (...) return to tread the stage in that Navacchio, namely the disco pub Kukla. Who is in the area is forced to come to me, who is far away he is forced too (but with a little more respect!).

finally got the new merchandise, t-shirts and pins are there ready to be bought, worn, washed, etc. reindossate. etc.. and the price is quite ridiculous! There will be a version of the shirt "used", the one worn during a concert by a member will cost 15 € more ... The site

www.miwa.it is online, go to "make a jump, spulciatelo good good and do not be surprised of the malware and trojans that infect your PC, making it unusable, it's normal! Our

Mr. Paipa is back from the U.S. been completely transformed! From now on, the butterfly out of the chrysalis called Mr. Paipa be called DJ PAIP sfodererà and all his skills (and width in the clothing ...) in the coming concerts as well as the new album coming out!

Among other things, on February 9 will start the first recording sessions for the Study of Virus Siena: the protagonist of the first two days of recording will be our Mr Husband, for the occasion, bought a brand new snare drum!

PS we are organizing a mini tour in Southern Italy, probably 14, 15 and 16 February ... who is not, there will be!

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