Friday, January 9, 2009

Anyone Know Morrowind No Cd Patch

In wonderful book I'm reading Yesterday for pages and pages I followed a six year old off the train to the extermination camp, to be launched to the gas chamber until his death. Then, to other pages and pages, the great physicist Strum, who had made a fundamental discovery while he was displaced, in pain and hardship of war, to realize that, as jew, the Soviet Academy of Sciences has decided to ostracized and set it aside in favor of Russian scientists. Without openly say it again, instead using official and acceptable as an excuse that his theory is imbued with Western ideas, a bit 'as the theory of relativity, and contradicts the Leninist theories of nature.
These days all we see the attack in Gaza. Have to stop the bombing and the start of serious negotiations, real, heavy, which is involved in the whole region, to arrive at two states. But I will not talk about it because I have nothing original to say, idiosyncratic and the chatter between factions and slogans that are followed these days I was sick. I say so sick, so to speak, to explain so colorful that I suck. Except on two occasions. On two occasions I felt a real sense of physical nausea, dizzy, inability to accept what I read. Emotional reactions completely, tears in his eyes.
on Facebook is the profile of a frieze, a fine not care, companionship. Do not know him personally but I heard a long, sympathetic, comes out, play ball, go to concerts, vote marked with the hammer and sickle. On December 28 he had this status on their profile (copy and paste): XXXX thinks that if he had finished mustache, in his time, his work of extermination, today we would have had far fewer problems in Palestine, Intifada until victory!
We were flabbergasted. None of its more than 200 contacts have written a line to question this little phrase. I found that the anti-Semitism on the left is problematized. Usually it is said that on the left there is only criticism of the Israeli government. It is not true at all, there is also the true anti-Semitism, rather than just say it in Ferrara or Teodori let's us too, and actively fighting them. On January 5
I read in the relaxation of Luca Sofri blog, which I like and I visit daily. There is a post about the shirts Brook Brothers. The Brook Brothers shirts are less interesting than I can conceive. So much so that he speaks for decades now, and I I search Google on any stronzatella I never bothered to even look at it in passing. As will be made ste Brook Brothers shirts? Boh. But I was there so I click the link to the blog of Christian Rock. Christian Rock is a paraculetto who writes on the sheet and has a blog. Unbearable. None of the things he says I'm interested in the slightest, but coast to scroll the previous posts, almost all on the U.S. or Israel, I read two lines of wit and borrowed aggression à la Ferrara, however, more forty cynical and ironic self-deprecating step further. But on this I stop. At first I even understand, and I think fleetingly "I do not say that a right as I begin to get Castle parallelism [idiot also] between Gaza and the Warsaw ghetto." But no, much worse. Are frozen. Our little genius is comparing a rich state, with one of the world's most powerful armies, supported by international public opinion and the sole power of the globe, from the very high standard of living, vibrant culture, excellent universities, with the Ghetto Warsaw. It can not be true. I think of the thousands of people who dug the trenches, they hid their weapons, have courage to die without fighting, without succumbing to violence and abuse, alone in the world. Then I think of Chris Rock, in front of his Apple computer, everything met the challenge, to add some more 'free to talk to the controversy never switched off if Hamas is like Hitler, or whether Israel is like Hitler, or Iran is like Hitler .
The Holocaust, the existence of Israel, the Palestinians' right to a state are subject to flashes of genius, boutades, lots of mirror reflection.
Everything is terrible.


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