Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vietnam Store Mario Salieri

Dear Councillor Stival


Councillor Stival when his party, the kicks I can not help but express my most sincere and deepest sympathy. What
treacherous scum, noticed it now? Before
scream your lungs that immigrants must be bad, and it was the newest member to have uttered these words (forgive me, Councillor Stival, abhorrent and repulsive) and then when she in a fit of merry cialtroneria Valley, the cialtroneria that unites everybody, that is your brand and your koine, speaks of use the gun (and never will be, a tommy-gun? in front of the elegance of a maneuver boat capable of sinking boats with hundreds of people aboard? or a radio or radar is suddenly not working-this is the fault cuts Tremonti- that prevents soccorerre shipwrecked?), are shocked and even more vile dissociate.
E 'dissociation in fact one of the evils that corrode the country.
take his boss, boss. Always screamed 48 hours to 24 against thieving Rome, talking about meritocracy and then does make the regional advisor to his son Renzo .... maybe that is not stupid as they say, but certainly not the Supreme Leader had to work hard to find someone more adjusted to the role, or indeed you are so bad? O
Berlusconi, your business partner, I speak of the fear of entrepreneurship, industry 's terror, through which you have capitalized a lot' of votes, which first makes the laws against prostitution and then wants to put its house in a puttanaio that even in Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah put together, and you defend him by saying that everyone at home is what he wants. It is not clear why a lady then, following this principle, can not get swarms of dear friends .... and I do not say that to make the hoes we must first have made the 'Academy of Arcore, nice way to be liberal ... this is also schizophrenia, dissociation beautiful and good. Councillor
Stival, is it possible that while she was performing in all its manly Celtic valley, no one has done the leg, the 'has set frowning, groped for words to explain to her .... "On Daniel tase, if no public disen en ste ...", and then maybe things will not come to suspect that they have sacrificed a temporary respectability, good only to fool Bersani, who, among us, let us say, you do not fool you NEVER EVER , because it has already done on the mother of his sixty years ago??
If so, Councillor Stival be careful, be careful very careful. Why she lowered her head, she apologized (perhaps muttering within himself, "If one of these Bedouin Ciapa swear x facio magna a kilo of sausage ..) that she has behaved like one of those old militants of the PCI of the old school," but I do not understand properly ", is in danger of ugly ....
fact I already imagine what will happen in a few weeks .... the boot that, cleverly (though it may be a smart as she) calls a bit 'of local TV stations to be friends again and organizes a tug of war with the children of a Roma camp, kicked in the backside by a troop of Northern League angry-perhaps driven by 'incorruptible Gentilini-infamous traitor of the race as a valley, so as to suffer once again the damage and the pranks, and serve by involuntary communication 's yet another course correction of his party.
is full of ridges, smooth and knocks at the end of their "friends", he finds himself on the floor, half naked, in the midst of mud and dirt of the Roma camp ... in fact the kids took advantage of the turmoil to take away the most possible, shirt jacket wallet watch mobile phone ... not because the Roma are thieves by nature, but because they are poor and all that good things we get by, many for several weeks, and so, to eat, must not be at rummaging in a dumpster. And while
Stival, without shoes, to walk away, sad and alone, the place of his nemesis, anyone who calls to reflect that policy must come into compliance, but only after you understand how and when .... No one to tell him once at home should begin to go on youtube and see each other a bit 'of archive Gentilini, Salvini, Borghezio, only to name a few, that such things, told her and continue to say, but on time and certain places .... then they also run some risk it.
bet that a number of Italians, I do not know how or when, after the hangover and the fear will begin to feel disgust, FIRST place for themselves, for what they did enabled them to become, in second place for her, Boots and dear to his accomplices.
And then you can save yourself if you are looking for .... to understand in advance, and instead of a machine gun to think of condoms, they can always serve to prevent fatal outcomes have inXXXXte.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

•live View Axis


What is a swap?

Literally barter or exchange.

Thanks to the economic crisis that grips everyone in Italy, as elsewhere in the world, especially the consumption of buying clothing tends to be negative, but the ideas and intuition of man knows no crisis, so while in America there is already talk of swapping phenomenon, we Italians are beginning to discover little by little.

The swap operation is exchange bilateral between two parties without the use of currency, the idea is to trade items or clothes with others of equal economic value .

To encourage the free exchange between people is what led to the Swap Ponit; It 's a point of exchange, a location, a cultural and social space where people can meet and exchange their items easily, of course, bartering is regulated with the standards set by the organizers of the point.

Waiting to see a swap point in Catania, we invite you to search the Internet, perhaps by visiting in one of the points in Rome or Milan.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Arabic Christiane Funeral Songs

FRIDAY EVENING, BUT! Personal Shopper

As the day goes on with our tour in Boutique balances between the city and alleged sales!

The night brings us to see the clothes bought during the day and night in a display of events organized in clubs and pubs of the city, but not limited to clothing.

After many rumors of friends, to our curiosity takes us to a restaurant in the center of Catania, close to the majestic and splendid castle.

I tell you now that our expectations are good, though?

you arrive at the entrance of the first impression a great selection service, BUT!

entrance of the venue looks good spacious and bright are the ticket to the hostess, are good.

We pay € 10 man tribute woman, there is, BUT!

Attention in the 10 € is not provided for the free drink, which will be about € 8 .

P ruled the central bar, say, one can taste the food in a small buffet, cold pasta served in glass bowls 7 votes, 3 ½ vote cheeses, canapés score 5, 6 votes presentation, of course to be enjoyed in the pre evening.

The new structure for us, is very good, elements of design in the first common area very special statue hit by a car ta mache, showing that a hominid with one hand supports the roof of the restaurant, perhaps a reference to the god of ancient Greek mythology Atlas, also special facilities to the walls with pictures of the imagination and references to pop art.

The architecture of this first space, reminds us of a small theater off.

Visits The second part of the structure and exterior space or outdoor smoking area, lack of shame that leads ashes, well the position of the outside bar is decent, the service offered little choice for cocktails, the same results we find in the other two bars.

Dance room, nothing special two-sided max screen, Change in the fair, ended with no security service but no particular event, BUT!

Finally we have a lack of music and DJ sets during the evening

we note that many songs are often made with the sexes mixing.

Now we want to give our opinion still remains that no STRO subjective taste and a free expression of thought.

23:30 pm

space First we notice more women than men, still the norm, we see that the clothing on sale and went well, typically dominated the color black, almost all women with black robe, no research in dress but also in accordance with flatness and wear clothes, except a few touches of beige and shades of blue on white blouses.

shoe heel 12 "worn with black dress drained, for the most part,

even if we are in January, but that's Catania!
We must say a good match catkin dress socks, women here Catania deserve a full 7.

The evening Ma! is at the beginning, it is enriched by other particular, finally some c apo signed but the balances are always to be master. No comment on accessories and back covers in beige fur or short dress paired with long boots over their knees.

Men? Same mystery! No comment, by whom it was presented with jeans and sweaters to the visual disaster, starting at a gym wearing a t-shert gray with all the muscles in view mirror for the skylarks, and jeans, retro ...

MA! The nice thing about the clones are like him, BUT! a woman intelligent woman does not say girl, also looks to the brain! HORRIBLE.

Then we ask the selection exists in this place?

O figment of our imagination?

Here, dear readers, these are things that have affected our expectations location inn!


I leave you with a thought

" not matter how famous you are or glemmur, what matters is how you move ... "

thanks to" Mii MANCATIIIII YOU! "The icing on the cake of the evening.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What Happens In A Sorority

blood of our blood, our nerves

Mohamed Bouaziz

Jan Palach

How To Watch Usb On Sony Tv


Let's imagine that during a popular demonstration of protest in Cuba, the police shoot and kill even a single protester.
The damage to the global ecosystem would be incalculable. How many thousands of plants would eventually torn down to make enough paper to print thousands and thousands of articles denouncing the atrocities of the communist government? the thousands and thousands of appeals to the intellectual Sergio Staino for freedom in Cuba? what freedom? but obviously to choose the American way of life ...
It does not end here. As we all know as a computer works, consumes more electricity. Electricity production is one of the causes of global warming, caused by 'release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the planet. Obvious that the maximum spread outrage among bloggers around the world for the atrocities of the Cuban Revolution would be placed in Earth's atmosphere a lot, too incalculable tons of carbon dioxide.
also to put this on behalf of the Castro family.
And if you ask, even to people who are politically uninformed Fidel Castro minimum minimum will tell you that it is one that has a long beard, perhaps at the Padre Pio ... maybe not much more, but still ...
Try instead to ask who is Ben Ali, or more precisely, the gen. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali ', I have no idea that the faces will be astonished to find several.
But Tunisia is ten, eleven times closer to Cuba (in hours flight), the Italians go on holiday there are several, Tunisians living in Italy are certainly more numerous than the Cubans ....
How is it that dozens of children killed like dogs by the Tunisian police while they were in the street to ask for bread and work are not a front-page news?
How is it that the name of Mohamed Bouaziz, his portrait is not on the front pages of newspapers around the world? And mostly those of Italian and French? Jan Palach
Why yes (as it should) and Mohamed Bouaziz not? (And it is terrible)?? Bouaziz
Mahamed was a graduate of 26 years who had even made an honest living selling fruit, although not the regular license, the Tunisian police (known to be a corruption of worms) had seized the goods, and maybe also wanted to arrest him because he protested, asking why "and now as I eat ?".... then in a fit of desperation Mohamed Bouaziz Arabic, Tunisian 26 years, Laura, who did not want to do either the thief or the cop, set himself on fire ....
Not all Arabs, all Muslims, even drive them to desperation, become suicide bombers against injustice, because injustice. Not only
. The events since then have gone through Dec. 17 in Tunisia from North to South from East to West, were largely peaceful, or at most a few Molotov cocktails, sticks and stones. The police of this little-known dictator, Ben Ali, lead shot, to kill and has killed dozens of children, workers, teachers (the government says about thirty, the opposition say many, many more).
for printing and internet censored. A troupe of
TG3 RAI, led by the good Maria Cuffaro, who at age 47, is not afraid to take to the streets to do their jobs is attacked and beaten by rogue security services. The age of
Cuffaro has since time is not a girl in his career, willing to risk a lot while to make, could sit in the hotel ...... could not even go round ... but it is not remained at the hotel.
There would be or not to launch a serious diplomatic protest?
But I remember years ago when an Italian journalist was deported to Cuba, charged, obviously did not hurt one hair at a meeting of dissidents, the can-can that did the gentlemen of puppies ....
And instead only a few have reported that the attack was the work of the RAI crew posse of Tunisia, has preferred a diplomaticissimo and hypocritical "unknown elements". This blatant use
and without measurement of the two weights and two measures brought the Communists once equal and opposite error.
That is to brand as "scoundrels, criminals, fascists, anti-social elements, loafers in search of easy money, "those attacking, it mattered little whether and the how, the regimes of the Warsaw Pact. Never mind that the workers were employed students were against the governments of the workers (that was autodefinifivano bureaucratic dictatorships of 'Eastern Europe) and it shall be condemned.
Even today, some sad figure "filocubano" lingers in such practices, at least politically useless (go to see some 'even if on a personal level there is some gudagnetto ...)
We had an example in the words of sleazy insulting the memory of Orlando Zapata Tamayo (which I wrote about this my own blog) that shed light not so much suspicion and not only on honesty intellectual who wrote what on its political intelligence.
expect now to hear their voices rise up to denounce the crimes of Ben Ali, but who knows .... they seem so little concerned about some of Cuba is more chic ... and we hope it is just for this. Let
lose, at least for now .... Let us return to Tunisia ....
consulting the World Fact Book, put online by the CIA, we learn that about 10 million inhabitants and a half, that fifteen out of four is illiterate, with an accentuation significant among women, that their President re-elected four times when he had a poor result took only slightly more than '89 per cent of the vote .... From Wikipedia
(And others) have produced a summary of the curriculum of character ...
After the upper-gen. Ben Ali (b. 1936) studied in France: all 'St. Cyr Military Academy and the School of Artillery. After that went to the USA. Here Senior Intelligence School (Maryland, USA), espionage and counterespionage, and the School for Anti-Aircraft Field Artillery ....
his return home he was head of operations of the security services since 1964 and from 1977 Director General of National Security, with some intermission diplomat abroad.
From 1986 Minister of 'Inside and since 1987 head of state.
born a short, not only in his shirt, but also with the marshal's baton in his hand.
Nothing more and nothing less than to explain the meaning of amorous correspondence with Craxi, who provided a comfortable exile .... So
explanations of the silent subservience of certain organs of disinformation we are, the proximity of all these to 'internal cordate certain international power more or less hidden.
P2, USA, Craxi, Mediaset, but also elements of other parties and PD in the front row.
In fact I read on the site of Unit Title: Tunisia, Ben Ali, "No more dead" parade in the capital against him. Lacing: Protest against Ben Ali in Tunis. After days of clashes and deaths, police check without intervene. Support from Al Qaeda.
A naive could think that the march is against the decision to kill Ben Ali to stop .... but this is not ... because they are Muslims (Sunni, and most importantly) this is the pearl of the usual suspects : Support to Al Qaeda ... tohhh .... a bit 'the same story of worker and student demonstrations in Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary .... "all' infiltrated by the CIA" .
Mica is going to see if the claims of those who showed were right or wrong, not who is going to see if it had ruled in the best way (and the best way is always to share and involve) is going to bring up the CIA.
And let's face now. The CIA was, and how if there was, was left in Europe to be absent (at least before 68, which is also on this) not to provide a cushion to the dissent, not to speak with firmness fraternal, criticizing the Soviet Union, where it was common interest to all progressive, all Democrats, all the revolutionaries that the Soviets would lay a shelter. As
surprise me if Al Qaeda did not exist, and / or did not try to be there. But if there is and if it takes root is / because you will fill a void that our dull and stupid lack of solidarity with the reasons for the Tunisian masses has created.
Nevertheless, Despite the disinterest of us Western democratic and neo-colonialist political bankruptcy of those who govern us, Islamic fundamentalism has not won in either Morocco or Algeria or Tunisia.
In Egypt, after the massacre of Coptic Christians, a circumstance in which Mubarak has behaved in a very ambiguous, the Muslim Brotherhood, an 'organization strongly Islamist and conservative, but not dedicated to terrorism, even an advocate of mass popular struggle, he offered to find a common platform of opposition to the Christian minority.
These signs should not be underestimated. The peoples of the countries
excoloniali are tired and disgusted of our sermons on what should or should not do. It would also be able, in some cases to get rid of their own, if they had to contend only with their tyrants, but they must also contend with our governments and our indifference.
THERE IS A yardstick to measure the debt that we in the industrially developed world WE CONTRACT WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD EXCOLONIALE.
let us resolve to begin paying at least the prime rate, tomorrow may be too late for us as for them.

Below is a brief essay of one (I assume)
We are all young Tunisian Mohamed Bouaziz
E 'with great excitement that we learn of his death, which occurred late on Sunday, January 2, 2011, Mohamed Bouaziz, after fighting various day against the death of the Hospital burns unit in Tunis
The news makes us sad, but also moves a mountain of anger against the bloody regime of Carthage who pushed and still pushes young people to commit desperate acts, such as those who yesterday threatened life at sea to reach a country where those who survive and, today, they kill the fire of desperation in the face of contempt and brutality of a power that prevents them to survive even miserably, taking away their tricks to even the most modest fend. The gesture of the young unemployed in Sidi Bouzid Bouaziz illustrates the desperation, not only for young people lacking in resources, but also all the youth and all a people which does not permit you to live and work because of the control of a mob, not content to plunder the resources of the State and the public, takes possession of any plans for economic, social or cultural, harassing and threatening the promoters of fiscal controls and stopping, if refuse to sell their projects. The mafioso regime has become a handicap and a moral burden more and more unbearable for the whole nation. It 's time that the people will rise up in one piece to support the intifada started by the martyr Mohamed Bouaziz, and to save our country from a cancer that eats slowly, that humiliates us, robs us, frightens us, we torture. Peace to your soul, Mohamed Bouziza, you cry all over Tunisia. And that your martyrdom is the announcement of the imminent end of the nightmare of an entire people, and the dawn of a fraternal Tunisia, supportive and united in memory of his fallen sons so that we can live in dignity. Glory to the martyrs, victims of mafia crime! Down with the regime of Carthage! Down with the Mafia! Long live the glorious youth of Tunisia! Dignity for the Tunisian people! Intifada hatta al-Nasr!
Mondher Sfar Paris, the night 2-3 January 2011
Yes, I would add,
blood of our blood, our nerves
NERVES HOW WAS THAT OF BROTHERS DEER ....( the song for the dead of Reggio Emilia, July 1960)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pic Of Grill On Pontoon Boat

Martha Goes Green

This morning while I was having breakfast with the usual cappuccino soy milk (you should try it can turn around even the most gray day, believe me) and download the mail, I came across a notice of request for friendship (hereinafter For brevity, NRA).
The NRA (or NRAs?, Being here a plural), for the few still immune to the plague epidemic that has passed since a number of infections, known as Facebook, is that messaggino e-mail that warns you "Somebody is thinking of you." And not only. That someone has taken the trouble to type your name in the space provided and click on the icon of the magnifying glass or alternative number two, was tickled by that respective network that suggested that perhaps could meet you because you are friend of a friend of his environ ...
I shall omit here the list of alternative number three, the alternative number four, number five, etc. ... (Noteworthy, however, is the alternative number seven: aspiring "chick" of the "standard" that "guy" has tagged the background of a photo of "thing" in which, out of focus and - despite this - to say the least repulsive compare also you: so "chick" wants to see who you are ).
However, when you have found your name, the subject "asks the friendship" or, in a nutshell, we will ask nothing hosta scuriosare for free from your own photos, information, posts, and so on.
So - I said - this morning while I was having breakfast with the usual cappuccino soy milk, I came across one of these NRA (s). After the inevitable and fizzy feeling of curiosity mixed with flattery - that goes something like this: Who do you think? Who do you think? Who do you think? ah, but then someone thinks of me! - I clicked on the mail (just one click and not two, because I've got a MacBook, I!) And there it is, the bewilderment . Which is more or less like this: and who the hell is this person? . The person in question was
nientepopodimenoche Madame Scalabrini, French, class '65, he wanted to be my friend because we had the same surname.
So I seriously questioned by asking a series of questions which are as follows: What drives people to seek their namesakes, omocognomini (?) And the like? And above all, what fun is it?
So, without further ado, I opened the Google page and I did some testing.
Long story short, after a series of attempts by the outcome unsatisfactory I found a little something that I share with you.
Unfortunately it is not distributed in Italy but I'm still trying to recover it.
If you are interested in further, the website is here and, if I were to succeed undertaking to find, consider yourself invited to dinner.