Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Herniated Disc And Vertigo

believe in this and that made you feel bad. With methods such as a botched meditation derived from newspaper articles and documentaries, and a behaviorism pulled a guess, try to get to the disenchantment and, in the medium to long term, to cynicism.
The psychiatrist wants it all, you say. Mothers and fathers and putative biological, aunts and great-aunts, sunsets, visions of deity in the clouds, slaps on the deck or patio (but here you're confusing, and are, respectively, a story set in Klagenfurt and a song set, presumably, Manchester ), utility sixties, you think. But reflecting the recognition that it is not true, you can omit anything you want because the psychiatrist has no other sources.
Okay, but then you've got to take two buses, changing the station?

[through the calendar being sold I found these notes for a story that then I have not written and that at this point I do not think I'll write]

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Make Estelle Contraceptive Pill

This year will hardly be able to go to Batik. To say, tomorrow is a documentary that I should meet to propose an initiative to do next year, but I can not because Jason has Italian lessons and my mother did not want to return to Marsciano when it's dark and raining. Saturday then I have to go to Rome for the national demonstration units road against the bill on prostitution Carfagna. Sunday? Maybe Sunday I'll try to make a jump. I do not remember what is scheduled for Sunday.
Last year I went to a meeting with Pupi Ronconi. It was much better looking than I expected. I was especially dazzled by Umberto Orsini, I can not deny it. Christ, how old is Umberto Orsini? Behold, I looked on Wikipedia, there n'ha 74, last year 73. A stun charm. Physical dry and compact, random gestures like looking at the clock which tell a story of discipline of body and taste of the exhibition at the same time retain something of adolescence, a lot to tell, without exaggeration, but obviously with a skill and Wikipedia physical dependence. I wanted to go in the rest of my life with Umberto Orsini, after that meeting. I know, this retrospective jealousy for her sister Kessler would have poisoned my life, but it was a price that seemed acceptable to be paid. Instead, when the parterre of the Round Table is gone, I stayed, so as not to make an insulting Peppe. And I have not regretted it anyway, because I saw a piece of Medea, who had turned Ronconi for Rai, who played with Mariangela Melato Cassandra, and even that was quite an experience limit (I can not remember that I was going through the fourth the fifth month of pregnancy and the hormonal profile of my body must have been quite tumultuous.)
The encounter with Pippo Delbono was very strong last year.
ok, 'there will be other occasions.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Best Anti Acne Liquid Foundation

When I started in sosciale, eleven years ago, one of the first tasks that I was a summer replacement at the home of Aldo B. For four hours a week, or maybe six, I went in his beautiful house with terracotta floors, the end of Via Gubbio, where the campaign is pressing and all the houses have a garden and a pergola, and all around are the meadows down the hillside. I had to clean his house, iron the stuff, check a little 'do not eat too much and wash. Aldo and I both became friends. He told me about his days (the morning I go to the green path to walk, we are all there, we're a good group, those that have both a heart attack, those of the veins, which I've got me running out ... "), some episodes of his life when he was still lavorara to Perugia, but just because there was one point, the point of breakup of her psychological equilibrium, which is inevitably coming and that bothered him too much, I told the nephew who had bought the Tigra and went on holiday on the Adriatic Riviera, from where he sent postcards to women with affectionate regularity nude. In accepting the job, I had naturally failed to be totally incapable in housework. Sprinkle to sweeping and mopping is something I hate, but that mettermici I can also do well. My weakness is ironing. Nobody ever taught me, and in life I do not iron my stuff. To go to iron by Aldo I practiced at home with my mother, but it was hard. Above all, the shirts were a nightmare. But Aldo noticed it, and after a bit 'saw me move to the right and the left arm to be able to smooth it began to urge, "Come on Barbara, who quit okay, okay" and maybe if you put it at the time, horribly wrinkled. The only friction in our friendship occurred when the time came for him to take a shower. There was no way. Our diatribe lasted literally hours. I'll start with "Go and take a shower, then you are fresher" and he replied with "After". As the hours wore out I became more insistent "Aldo, walking, you feel warm, took a shower while I clean the room (or room, or the empty room)", "No not now I've got like, I can when you go away "," No Aldo, do it now, because you need to discuss something so simple? "," No I must go down the vegetable (or buy cigarettes, or empty the trash), "and while his voice trembled a bit 'of snervatezza. Then all 'Suddenly, though not always, took it and went to take a shower. He returned after half an hour everything changed, her hair wet, very thick glasses on his face flushed, smelling of soap. It abandoned relaxed in his chair and exclaimed, without fail, " Ah, what if you are good when you take a shower. Just you transmit to the world. "
My house is always in a mess and dirt from a delirium. Sometimes I put in place, like Sunday, because he came to visit a friend I had not seen for some time. And when I find myself living in the rooms rearranged, with everything nice and in its place, the hour hand to tell me "How good is when the house is clean and tidy. Just you transmit to the world." And I always think of my dear friend, Aldo. By Aldo

PS I worked two summers in a row, but then I stayed in touch because he was always at Arci S. Erminio. When I moved away Italo Svevo we became neighbors of the neighborhood. I saw him often, I introduced my boyfriend and then I announced that we were married. Stroking pleasure with our dog. I really wanted him to know my son well, but unfortunately he died last January. I was on holiday with Boon and Eugene, when they are session, taking a walk with a little belly already 'grown up, I read the manifesto mortuary. The funeral had been that afternoon in Santa Petronilla, the church in the countryside where he often went in the afternoon, chatting with the priest. I'm so sorry.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brookstone Helicopter Broken

I took the dog out and the day was beautiful, we went to the park on the left side of the hill, invaded by the sun. It was like spring, we played with a leash, she almost ran frantically back and forth and round, with me as the center of the circle.
four o'clock I went out with my son, but the city was in shadow now, and the streets on Sunday to go to Piazza Cavallotti, where the shop run by Pakistan remains open, is almost deserted. He had raised a lot of wind, Perugia was all completely without even a gray color. Cosimo has cried so much, perhaps dazed by the cold, looking for something fun to show, a flower, a curtain, there was nothing. I crouched beside the stroller to tell him something, I saw my hands very rough in that light insensitive, dull. I continued to walk towards the square Grimana, where at least the trees were green, but a very dark green, and a score between boys and girls playing basketball in the pitch that you have read, recently, in international crime. They passed very few cars, the sounds echoed in a vacuum for me inexplicable from the physical point of view. Cosimo would not stop crying.
It seemed to me to figure out how to be old.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Running Shoes For High Arches And Narrow Feet

At 00:56 I received a message to the phone. Ilaria was, I wrote: "But that's nothing really nothing ... Obama wins! He also voted Mike Bongiorno!" He really won
Obama. Tears in rivers.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wisdom Teeth Removal Bad Taste In Mouth

You washed and torn to pieces and sometimes carrots, zucchini and potatoes (not often, and often reluctant to cook because you do not like at all), but this time try and focus on every move because you want to be sure everything is clean and accurate, add water, turn on the gas and keep it down. All new, the intention, attention and feelings. Prepare the first meal in your child's life. Sure, you're still staring at the navel in agony and cry on them as soon as you can, but you can now only in my spare time.

Monday, September 29, 2008

First Time Plasma Donation Pay In Arlinton Texas

Water under the bridge ...

... I went a bit since I last wrote something on this Blog. Nevertheless, I see that many people continued to visit him waiting for some fresh news fresh sign that the universe Miwa interesting to many. But now the news, there are so many!

The disc is coming, this time it's true! After several problems due to the change of the chart, the CD is finally being printed only a few days ... be patient and you'll have in your hands the new record by Miwa! Meanwhile, below you will leave the cover image ...

Last but not least a breaking news: October 30 at 15.00, will perform the Miwa on stage accompanied Lucca Comics And Games from Arcadia Wind Orchestra of Abbadia S. Salvatore ... sisi, you got it!

Miwa AND ITS COMPONENTS + full orchestra!

Who will you lose something very unique ... the choice is yours!

Å ¡£ å ®

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Epsum Salt Hair Volumizer

Miwa Live Tour 2008

While work on the new album continues to endure, the Miwa Live Tour 2008 continues. Sunday night was the turn of the Summer Fest Valentano, beer festival and not only at which Miwa had participated the previous year, needless to say, as always, we tried to split and raze more items and possible tensiostrutture but it was very tricky in the middle of a square below ... add a new pass of the new 2008 Tour, called "A (Ken) Falco wounded." Many continue to wonder what "wounded hawk" ... try to understand and navigate the Kama Sutra!

Meanwhile, on our website have sprouted two small icons at the top just below the other two cause for MySpace and Blogger ... try to click on it and see what comes out! Nius the last moment, as I write this post, our MainFrame Miwa Forum is working on! The date of "publication" is yet to be determined but, as soon as everything is ready, you can be sure that you will warn you!

Å ¡£ å ®

Monday, June 16, 2008

Who Makes Stereo Recievers

YouTube passion!

There once was a site called YouTube ...
There once was a band named Miwa and its components ...
There once was a writer of short films ...
There was, then, another site called YouPorn ... but that's another story!

Now try to join together the first three points and what comes out? I said no the first three and the last three, another ugly perverse that you are not!
Ladies and gentlemen, Madame and Monsieur, Mr. Mr. Pogo and Pioneer ... we are happy to announce that the video of Miwa is finally here! Here's the link:


Bello eh!

Ok, now that you have touched with sadness hand, you can fully enjoy the real video of Miwa:


Since the video is likely to be well placed to Talent1, go vote for it as soon as possible ... otherwise Miwa's vengeance will come upon you!

Å ¡£ å ®

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Deleted Something Off Of Vuze

What's cooking ... Work in progress

Although work on the new disc is practically concluded, the Miwa have not yet decided to take a vacation; projects at stake are so many, some others a little closer to realizing less ... the more likely safe to say 80 percent, including the rearrangement of certain parts of Arcadia and Wind Orchestra of Abbadia S. Salvatore're curious ... eh!

We are also pleased to announce that the red and white hearts Saturday, June 7 Miwa ring at the feast of Grosseto FC organized to stay in the series B!! In a football chant and a riot of flags, will try once again to destroy many items as possible ...

Meanwhile, to ease your wait, I post below the first two sketches (later set aside) for the cover of the new CD.

Our Manuel can do better, I guarantee!

Å ¡£ å ®

Friday, May 9, 2008

How The Reverse Bear Trap Works

As the days pass, the work for the new album are finally coming to conclusion. Sunday, May 11, your favorites have finished the mastering stage, and these days, are currently finalizing the graphics section before giving way to the future release of platinum. The latest innovation, the disc will be divided into chapters ... what does that mean? Eheheh you will see it!

As for the graphics, the book is eight pages as the previous one and contains some scenes from the life of Miwa travel during the tour (?), The cover and illustrations will be Manuel Peace, author of the drawings the previous record, while the graphics will be headed by Emanuele Perugini.

Here, here's the lineup of disc:

01 - Intermezzo 1
02 - Lum
03 - Holly e Benji (Two champions)
04 - Daitarn III (version 2.0)
05 - Intermezzo 2
06 - Sandokan ( featuring Maurizio De Angelis)
07 - Pollon troublemaker
08 - Trinity
09 - Intermezzo 3
10 - Mach 5
11 - Mazinger Z
12 - Fantaman
13 - Intermezzo 4
14 - Spiderman
15 - Captain Harlock
16 - Lupin the incorrigible

Last but not least, the CD will be a multimedia track all to see and hear ...

Say it is not enough? So, if you book the CD in advance, our Mr. Pioneer will completely naked at home and epilation strewn with peanut butter toast and lay inside a giant and I will deliver it in person ... better than that!

Å ¡£ å ®

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Value Of A Franklin Vase

Sometimes, dreams ...

... come true. It is never easy, often it may seem impossible but with a lot of conviction and a hard head (the one with Miwa certainly not missing!), We can accomplish things that until recently could first seem impossible. All this "introduction" to communicate to all readers of this blog that one of our dreams came true: Maurizio De Angelis (Oliver Onions voice of the mythical author of the unforgettable band movie soundtracks of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill) was the last part of volcale "Sandokan" which will be included in the new cd!

Needless to say, the first note in tune, I nearly faint with emotion ... We have also had the honor of meeting the maestro Cesare Di Natale, author of most of the texts of Oliver Onions and Maremma DOC Both Mauritius Caesar proved two extremely available and nice, nothing to do with the fictional character standoffish and shy man that most people have on men to succeed.

Before you begin, the Supreme has done two autograph just 45 laps of the brothers De Angelis, namely "Furia horse of the West" and "Green" I think it goes without saying that I, at the time of the two series, I still probably die in my previous life ...

Registration begins at around 4 pm, Maurizio listen carefully to our version of Sandokan and begins to sing, after which, in the studio and try to sing a few notes while the Supreme tachycardia falls into the emotion. After a short warm-up, what is recorded is a magnificent gem to say the least ...

Before the greetings, the photo is customary.

A heartfelt thanks to Maurizio De Angelis and Cesare Di Natale for their participation and for the Marco Bertogna his willingness and patience. Really thank you very much, you made our dream!

Å ¡£ å ®

Sunday, April 6, 2008

T-shirts With Fake Muscles

you Sing!

As I write this post, the new record by Miwa is in the mixing stage under the careful hands of our Alexander and his entourage. Needless to say, the whole band puts in him a boundless confidence to say the least, trust is now built on three years of collaboration. My mom like I'm getting old ...

petty Philosophy aside, the recording sessions were held here this Ailar Miwa in style or in two long days of hard work, sweat and uvula in constant tension. I must admit that the result is worth all the efforts made, this time recorded the vocal lines have convinced me much more than the previous cd eh ... well, you know that we cantessi-yards-singers are never happy! In any case, it all started Wednesday with 19 "Mazinger Z" and ended Saturday 22 (with 10 and fourth in the evening!) With "Daitarn III version 2.0" after me, Mr. Pogo and the Supreme us went to celebrate the first McDonald's in the neighborhood eating a head megapanino we digested three days later ...

Main problems were this time a damn "u" acute "Lum" and made a speech a little dull in "Mazinger Z". To overcome the first problem, I opted for a drastic solution squeezing my parts genitalia in time of need. Needless to say, despite my attempts to pass the motion in my pocket unnoticed as possible, all (including non-present) have been noticed.

After seven hours of study and five of Caramel, our Alexander began to experience a little bit tired.

Meanwhile, I continued to disrupt my vocal cords.

But now we're really running out, boys and girls (especially girls ...): the disc is in the finishing straight, begin to break your piggy bank Cinghialino. The new Sound Miwa awaits you ... ready!

Å ¡£ å ®

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Snowmobile Mikuni Carb Adjustment


While your Ailar expects to complete his round of recordings, Monday was the last time the legendary Mr. Paipa ... unfortunately, due to reasons of work, the singer was not present here this (sigh sigh), but to make amends, he agreed to do penance at this time, in fact, I'm writing with one hand by a retreat in the Alps located thirty kilometers from the nearest town, are on their knees chickpea and with the hand that is not writing, I continue to lash back. I hope that is enough to make you forgive me by our favorite DJ ...

In any case, the recording session went well and we can definitely say that the noise came in its own right in Miwa! Very large parts of Theremin, especially the ones I liked in "Lupin the incorrigible" ... personal opinion, of course! And what do you think? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH MALVAGIOOOOO AS IS! Oh well off, not so very bad now because I put a couple of good photos ...

In the first we have a seemingly disinterested Supreme ...

In the second, however, threatened to steal the pot from our Dj Paipa ...

Until next time!

Å ¡£ å ®

Monday, March 10, 2008

Basque People Characteristics

the trumpets

As the days pass quickly and we mark as a result fell from the tree (now discarded them!), including the recording session of our Mr.Pogo Mr.Pìonèr and is spun off as smooth as the oil Miwagon. In two days, our legendary horn section has recorded at least eleven pieces so egregious, demonstrating their professionalism; Mr.Pogo, especially, proved to be a "professor of the arrangement for Orchestra", spending hours and hours to think about melodies and harmonies ... a Demo Morselli the poor, in other words!

Meanwhile, our Mr.Piònèr performed songs with his usual calmness and tranquility, without exaggeration, nor never overplayed his hand. During a very challenging piece to him, then, has invented a new technique to enhance the low notes.

As always, times have been met and the songs were well above the quality of the first CD. The biggest obstacle to overcome, this time, was "Spiderman", because some phrases trombone very bad.
At the end of the second day, finally, our Alexander has prepared a pre-mix of "Sandokan" to take two guys called De Angelis brothers ... there is someone who has never heard of? :-D

you have your mouth watering ... eh tenetevela for another while, then! But do not despair, the disc will ready sooner than you think ...

Å ¡£ å ®

Sunday, March 2, 2008

How To Create A Character On Tech Deck Live


How fucking gasano guitars on the new disk! Oh I know that you'd like to hear a little bit early but we are bad and then you stick to 'I'm Miwon ...

Pierz Suffice to say that has not played one but three different guitars for different "moments" of songs with titles and effects for each overdub my mom ... and we pulled it off! For ska and clean parts, what's better than a nice Fender Telecaster? You ask and we use it for the record! And for the rough distorted beautiful thing if not a beautiful Gibson Les Paul? Rest assured, there is one! In short, the two-day Pierz records have borne fruit ripe and very tasty ... I just heard Daitarn nearly faint, I swear!

For good news there comes a bad waiting: for the mini tour in Calabria has been permanently canceled, unfortunately some work commitments have crossed the last second and it all worked out in a hole in ' water ... too bad, it will be for another time. Moreover, the date of 28 March to Makia of Lucca has been postponed on a date to be determined, probably in late April. This does not mean, however, that Miwa are with our hands!

First, it was finally added to the "guestbook" to the site (go just to add a few comments before I pissed like a caiman and send you a virus on your mobile phone), and our Mr. Pogo and Mr. Pioneer are on the warpath, now it's up to them to do their part to further improve this fucking cd, other concerts are coming soon, for many of these should only be chosen to suit the day. So ... what more do you want a slice of ass?

Å ¡£ å ®

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pee Stuck In My Urethra

Everything goes at full speed in the universe Miwa, Mr. pioneers and was released from the zoo without any problems and recording the new disc in the best way forward. Meanwhile, the Supreme has accomplished with great success his part in a non- some painless, fast performance but with a very enjoyable and intense! Two days to record the new CD of 12 pieces, about 16 hours to start acting nasty, slide, walking bass and slap first class. Among other things, our Supreme has once again demonstrated that it deserves the name sull'anulare playing with a cut left hand as if nothing had happened, ignoring the pain and the blood flowed in torrents ... only real moment of difficulty encountered during the "Fantaman", the opening riff was changed in his rhythm so as to ensure greater "pogabilità" the piece which has stirred some of our plans Mic, only a moment, but Then everything went as it should go!

Meanwhile, the Saturday's concert at Nirvana Terrenuova Bracciolini (Ar) was a hit, people have had lots of fun and your Ailar came home with a good heater (or the hangover that makes you stand in Sleeveless in January on the tip of the Monte Rosa!). Again thanks to Valdarno Internet Cafe for giving us the opportunity to perform before an audience so numerous and cock!

And there's more! With great satisfaction for the public Grosseto, Miwa announce the return home after months of absence ... Saturday, March 8, in fact, your favorite band will perform at the Puerto BARACOA Grosseto! For the occasion Mr Paipa sound in leopard thong as a gift to the entire female audience ...

You who are reading this post, instead of looking for the little women nude on the internet, trying to move my legs and Come to hear! The show will not disappoint you ...

Å ¡£ å ®

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

List Of Lipsticks With Lead

Carletto King of Montenegro

two days, about 18 hours to record all the pieces of our new album ... Carletto is really a beast! From Saturday morning to the evening of Sunday, the biggest consumer of Montenegro concluded to the sound of slapped his recording sessions ...

a day, a cold northern Siberia ... woke up at 08.30, departure and arrival at 09.00 from Grosseto Study of the Virus Siena around 10:15, at which point it takes about 30 minutes to mount the battery in less than a tom, a decision taken by our sound engineer so that the sounds may prove more powerful and defined ... and it works perfectly! ! The records continue until 15.00 when Charles passes out from hunger on the snare ... and go with the lunch break! It starts at 16.00 with "Fantaman" until 21.00 when the decision was unanimous to go home.
Day two, same place same time ... Carletto says I need a drip of saline solution to hold another day like yesterday, Pierz sent him to shit on the fly and sends it in a recording studio without ever having had breakfast! And it starts with "Trinity," Mr Husband I almost fell asleep and the first take is recorded in less than 40 bpm after a pattona general ... and a nice boiled coffee on the edge of the burn, the recordings continue with great fervor. And while Charles the proverbial sweat seven shirts, we magnificence on the comfortable sofa in front of the console, to 13.30 a short lunch break that allows our batteraio of "drink" a little bit of food and refreshments at 14.15 is a little ... again, this time nothing but a power bpm less scary so we believed that Mr. Husband had brought a bottle of Montenegro in the recording room! The preformance is almost perfect until 21.00 when we have two fully loaded on the machine exhausted as a feast day ... not bad, I'd say!

This is it, the gear-heads was observed. Next time we will speak of the Supreme and its registration, the cut on his ring finger and the problems of "Fantaman ... byebye!

Å ¡£ å ®

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bra Hole Hole Or Holes Milena Velba -2006

Came the disc ... Amaro Montenegro

Yeah ... we waited, postponed, rearranged, reorganized, sweaty ... but finally, Saturday, February 16 starting recording sessions for the new album Miwa! First and second day devoted entirely to our Mr Husband, armed with its new snare drum and an alcohol still above normal ... with the remaining band members, in fact, we decided to prepare for Carletto our beautiful water-filled bottle of Montenegro, even if only the label will be beneficial to his brain of oxygen deficit.

Everything revolves around the new CD is progressing fast, the graphics are well underway and our design we have made the first sketches, the photos also be included in the book have already been taken, our graph of trust is struggling to touch the face of Mr. Pioneer ... but we anticipated that this is an impossible case! However, this is an idea for the "profiles" in the book ... do you like?

Meanwhile, Tuesday night at Sonar has gone, the response was quite positive, even if people were not much present here ... Ailar led the Miwagon for the first time, very great experience that I recommend to everyone. So if you want to drive the Miwagon let me know: with 10 € you can go around the neighborhood, with 50 city tour with 200 and we give it to you directly!

That's all Ailar greets you and goes to sleep like good children! Byebye ...

Å ¡£ å ®

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Silver Christmas Wreaths

real taste ...!

This is what I cried Mr. Husband Saturday night concert at the end of Jerry Lee to Pitigliano. Our batteraio, in fact, instead of tasting the famous wines of the area, decided to downing half cask bitter ... it was back on stage that it has moved, has been his way of celebrating the new snare just bought, the fact is that the result was a semicoma with lots of alcohol delirium tremens! But do not worry, the legendary batterente will be more than ready for this Tuesday in Colle Val D'Elsa, an evening in which Miwa will perform during the costume party organized by Sonar. As always, if you're reading this post, you will be forced to introduce a penalty summer afternoon with Mr. Pioner in a sealed room without air conditioning ...

Returning to Pitigliano, I'd say the evening was positive, it is true that the space is not great but the managers are smart and local people are very friendly and well disposed to the fun. If you happen to go over there, go ahead and jump to the Jerry Lee say that you have sent us (at least make you pay the bill for the dinner that we have not paid!).

For the record, the first day of registration has been moved to Saturday the 16th, because unforeseen technical, for this reason, the "mini tour" of two days at that Taranto was postponed until March (almost certainly 21 and 22, so we exchange the 23 Easter eggs in miwagon!).

And all for now ... see you next!

Å ¡£ å ®

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Where To Buy An Xvest In Canada

Miwa's Return: Pogo's Revenge Mr. Miwa was

There are only 5 days awaited (?) return of live Miwa ... January 26, the most famous band in the world after the Sarchiapones (...) return to tread the stage in that Navacchio, namely the disco pub Kukla. Who is in the area is forced to come to me, who is far away he is forced too (but with a little more respect!).

finally got the new merchandise, t-shirts and pins are there ready to be bought, worn, washed, etc. reindossate. etc.. and the price is quite ridiculous! There will be a version of the shirt "used", the one worn during a concert by a member will cost 15 € more ... The site

www.miwa.it is online, go to "make a jump, spulciatelo good good and do not be surprised of the malware and trojans that infect your PC, making it unusable, it's normal! Our

Mr. Paipa is back from the U.S. been completely transformed! From now on, the butterfly out of the chrysalis called Mr. Paipa be called DJ PAIP sfodererà and all his skills (and width in the clothing ...) in the coming concerts as well as the new album coming out!

Among other things, on February 9 will start the first recording sessions for the Study of Virus Siena: the protagonist of the first two days of recording will be our Mr Husband, for the occasion, bought a brand new snare drum!

PS we are organizing a mini tour in Southern Italy, probably 14, 15 and 16 February ... who is not, there will be!

Å ¡£ å ®

Monday, January 7, 2008

Difference Between Yahoo Or Ymail

E! Work In Progress

And so we got to 2008 ... that ass! Mr. Pogo claims to have preferred by far the beginning of 2007, it may be because he spent the first week of the new year with a fever? Mah .. Miwa

The world is growing like wildfire, almost Petroleum ... I would say we are invading every little Italian town as the black gold from a leaking oil tanker disaster, flooding the beaches close to the New Year party ... moooolto well for Miwa, 2008 promises a full evening full of surprises!

First, the pre-production of the new CD is over, a couple of weeks and will last in our studio to create a new chapter record Miwa weblog and its components.
already decided the title (which will be "Go go go !!!"), the release is scheduled between April 2008 and June 2015 ...
As for the book, we focused on the undecided whether or Miwagon hard on some photos we took during the last tour ...
rumors, too, that a famous group 70/80 years has seriously intend to collaborate on the project ... who I'm talking about? Heheh, I'm a bastard and I do not say! But I can assure you that hear them play live is like being hit by a bulldozer ...

The last but not least, news about our site ... finally online! And then went to look at www.miwa.it , spulciatelo as possible but avoid hack at least for a couple of weeks!

That's All Punks!

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